Potentially dangerous scripts were removed from this message
Problem reported by hraud - 4/27/2021 at 1:59 PM
Recently, emails from our press release company (Cision) cannot be viewed in the SmarterMail web browser, because all it shows is "Potentially dangerous scripts were removed from this message".

Is there some way to unblock these messages?  They are from a trusted sender, but the block still remains.

7 Replies

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kevind Replied
I'm pretty sure in SmarterMail v15 you could click a button next to this message to allow the script to run. Not sure why this was taken away in new version.

Is this script checking really necessary any more?  I'm not aware of any other email programs that do this. Maybe because browsers no longer allow malicious in-line scripts to run?

I say remove this task if not necessary to fix this problem.  Also, it will allow for a larger preview area: https://portal.smartertools.com/community/a93174/ui-preview-pane-enhancements.aspx

Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi hraud,

What build of SmarterMail are you running? In build 7776 (April 16, 2021) we released a fix for an issue that was causing the "potentially dangerous scripts..." message to show more frequently than it should.

Fixed: Relaxed HTML validation checks causing the "Potentially dangerous scripts..." warning banner to show in web interface.

If you are on the latest build please open a support ticket so our support team can look into this issue further for you.
hraud Replied
I am running build 7761 (Apr 1, 2021).  I will upgrade this evening to the latest build and confirm whether or not it fixes my issue.

Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Hello Henry. As noted above by Emily, there were some fixes in our latest release which should resolve these issues. If upgrading does not resolve the issue though please open the problematic message in webmail, click ...>View Raw Content, then copy/paste that into a text document and submit a support ticket including the file so we can have development take a look. Thanks Henry, have a good one!
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
hraud Replied
I upgraded from SmarterMail build 7761 to the latest build 7776. This fixed the issue for 11 out of the 12 emails I received from our press release company (Cision) in the past 48 hours.  For the remaining email, I still see the "Potentially dangerous scripts were removed from this message".  As requested, I have opened a support ticket for this email, and copied the Raw Content into a text file as an attachment.

Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for your update Henry! We'll get back to you on this as soon as possible.
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
hraud Replied
Just to close off on this... The support ticket investigation showed that the 1 remaining email that still has the "Potentially dangerous scripts were removed from this message", still has the email contents showing.  So it is acceptable.

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