Spam filtering fails
Question asked by Mario Petrella - 2/1/2021 at 2:32 PM
I have a user who receives more than a dozen spam emails a day; he hasn't logged for about 2 years. I've deleted all the SPAM, then set the filter to the strongest level; yet ... he still receives the same amount of daily emails. 
If I can't get the SPAM filter to work, I'll be back to ask how to "suspend" his userid so that he can't use it until I reinstate it. 
In the meantime: What add'l, detailed, info can I provide so that I can address our Spam Filtering issue? 
Thanks in advance!! 

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Steve_N Replied
If you PM me with an export of your Spam configuration and a sample Spam email, I'll take a look at what's going wrong for you.

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