MailService.exe crash debugging / logging / checking
Question asked by Webio - 7/27/2020 at 4:20 AM

I'm wondering is there any clear document which could help debugging various of problems with SmarterMail? In admin section there is a place where debug log IDs can be provided which will generate debug logs. Today I'm started to face after system restart constant MailService.exe crashes like:

Faulting application name: MailService.exe, version: 100.0.7503.17648, time stamp: 0x5f11d661
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.3.9600.19629, time stamp: 0x5e2fdc0d
Exception code: 0xc00000fd
Fault offset: 0x000000000002dc62
Faulting process id: 0xbdc
Faulting application start time: 0x01d664059a2b0a86
Faulting application path: C:\Server\SmarterMail\Service\MailService.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Report Id: 1f7ac7be-cff9-11ea-8102-005056b3ebea
Faulting package full name: 
Faulting package-relative application ID: 
and I have totally no idea where to look for errors. IMHO this could be something related to json configuration files OR .grp corruption OR maybe some .json corrupted file but I have totally no idea where to look for some information about it.

Maybe SmarterTools could create some KB article with debug log IDs to help people with this kind of problems.

I have 1000s of mail accounts and they are down now for few hours.Previously I had issue with domains.json file where was one domain added with special character which caused to MailService.exe never properly start. I've opened emergency ticket and it was handled BUT payment for this ticket was not returned because it was handled as out of business hours support ticket with emergency response and even if this was IMHO a bug in validation mechanism which should not allow this kind of domain to be added or loaded during startup no payment was returned to me. I'm afraid that this time it is also something small in some .json file and if I open emergency ticket it will again counted as a issue on my end.

5 Replies

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Manuel Martins Replied

I have the same problem on my server, i had an electrical faillure and after that MailService.exe is always failling, and i don't know where to look for the problem, the logs doesnt help debugging the problem.

Any Help ? Thanks
Webio Replied
Send support ticket for custom build. Yesterday after emergency ticket and some hours of debugging, starting and stopping SmarterMail service ST support has managed to create a custom build which has fixed this problem.
Manuel Martins Replied
Already sended the ticket. Thanks
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
There are a few issue with publishing Debug LogIds.

The first is that most are very specific and, more often than not, don't mean much to anyone but the developers who are working on a specific issue. The next is that many are created for a specific need and are used once or twice, or on rare occasions when a particular issue arises. Finally, they should really only be used "as needed" or as instructed as some can impact disk space pretty quickly. If a server administrator is less experienced, activating a debug log can end up causing more issues if it's not used with express instructions from our tech support guys or from a dev. If we put them out there, someone may go "hey, I can just activate this debug log and send that along" not realizing that the log may grow very large, very quickly. 

And, while it could be said that we could post them with huge, red caveats about disk space, and only using them when instructed, etc. we all know that people gloss over that stuff most of the time. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Marc Replied
We had a few days ago the same problem with restarting mailservice.exe every 3-4 minutes, because of a faulting module ntdll.dll or ntmarta.dll

This occurred suddenly without any action on the server, no updates before, nothing. We also didn't found a way to debug this issue and searching for a solution, we only found this post here.

Restarting the server or updating windows didn't help, so we tried an SM update (from Build 7817 to 7906), uninstall SM and install new build, and it fixed the problem. A reinstall of the same SM version would probably have helped as well.

We immediately saw the large volume of mail stuck in the spool dropped down and no more crashing mailservice.

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