Reset activations?
Question asked by Daniel McFalls - 5/10/2020 at 2:33 PM
A few weeks ago I tried to setup a new server at AWS that will be replacing my current one in a few weeks. I then dumped it to start it again this week.  Logging into the licensing site I saw that there were no activations remaining.  There was an option to reset activations either on the licensing website or inside the admin.  I cannot find it now that I pushed it. The issue is that now the licensing site shows Times Activated:7 and Activations Remaining: 1 and the Licensing page in the admin console says Active License BUT the diagnostics in the admin shows: “Failed: Product Activated?” What’s going on?  The server is NOT working.

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echoDreamz Replied
Did you reactive the product? This can be done through the web interface, you select activate, give the license, then it may or may not ask for your ST account login.

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