How to move the entire C:\SmarterMail folder to another drive.
Question asked by Torben Nielsen - 3/12/2020 at 1:05 PM
Running the latest BETA; how to safely move the entire C:\SmarterMail folder to another drive/folder?

3 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hello Torben, I believe the documented procedure in our KB site will safely move the domains over to a new drive: 

Essentially you want to get a copy of every domain within the Domains folder onto the new drive first. Once you're sure all of the data is present on the new drive, you can then stop the services, edit that domains.json file to reflect the new drive location, and then start it back up to start using the new location instead. 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Torben Nielsen Replied
Hi Kyle.

But that procedure will only move the Domains - right? I want to move the entire C:\SmarterMail  folder.

Karl Jones Replied
When i did that i stopped the smartermail service..
Copied the whole folder to what was the 'E Drive' in my case..
Uninstalled smartermail..
Then re-installed, but this time pointed the install folder to the location on the 'E Drive' i copied the smartermail folder to earlier.
I think there were no problems when i went through it, although it was about 12 month or more ago so when i did it, i also had a clone image done before i did it, just in case.. :-)

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