Scheduled sending of emails
Idea shared by echoDreamz - 1/31/2020 at 2:02 AM
We've had quite the number of customers ask for the ability to schedule sending of emails at a specific date/time. A few we've gotten off to Outlook, since Outlook has the ability to do this, however, the specific client that is really wanting this is a 911 center and their machines cannot have any other software than their medical and telecom apps and the Edge browser.

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Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
This is a very good suggestion. Were you thinking a feature in webmail (per email) or like a user schedule for their entire account?
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
A schedule that can be set per email in webmail. 
Add a new setting to the new email popup/popout that defaults to "Immediately" or "Now" but allow the user to specific a specific date/time they'd like to send the email. Not sure exactly where to save the email, maybe to "Drafts" or the "Sent Items" folder but have a flag that shows the email is pending or something.
This probably would also tie in with the "Undo Send" feature that has been asked before and that Gmail/Outlook.com employ, which is actually just "Delay Send". It would be nice if we could allow each person to set their own preference when sending, such as:
- Send immediately
- Delay send by XX seconds (10/15/30/60 seconds, etc) -> this to be able to undo send in case one realizes they send the wrong mail to the wrong recipients for example
- Schedule send

Now these would be next-gen features for an email server, especially if they could be set at the Server/Domain/Account level and would have effect regardless of the mail client.
This would be useful and helpful.

Some clients have this with Gmail/Google Workspace and love it. 

Slightly off topic but remember how SmarterMail used to have Scheduled Reports which was removed in v16 and has been gone ever since? Matt Petty, dearly admired ST guru, I've raised tickets on how scheduled emails or scheduled reports (same thing more or less) was a great feature that never should have been removed, and that my customers were irked about it being deleted. I was told by ST there was no demand for it. Now you're saying it's a great idea. I took major heat from customers about it being removed... So, pretty please, with sugar on top, can we get this back both in scheduled reports and scheduled emails of any kind?

Thanks for considering restoring it.

This is how dead people send email.
Good one.

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