I've been working with Robert and others in the Beta on the community directly. I apologize for not posting an update on this thread earlier...
I tested this through IMAP and SMTP and was able to get added onto IDS and remove myself off of it and connect without any issues.
My testing steps involved me using a client (em client) that allows me to specify different SMTP/IMAP credentials and for each one I put one good password and one bad password. I then tested my connection 5 times to cause one of the protocols to trigger. I then put in the correct password, attempted login, and was still successfully blocked. I then removed my entries from IDS then reattempted a login and it worked and I was accepted.
EDIT: Since 7269 is a beta-only build number, I added BETA to the thread title to reduce confusion with current SmarterMail versions.
Matt Petty
Software Developer
SmarterTools Inc.