Tagging Tickets in SmarterTrack
Idea shared by Speednet - 7/20/2019 at 7:45 AM
Under Consideration
In SmarterTrack I would like the ability to add Tags to Tickets, just like you can add Tags to community threads/posts.  This would allow us to search for past tickets by type or other classification, which we can't seem to do right now.  This would be a huge productivity boost for us.

5 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello Speednet,

You may be able to accomplish what you need by leveraging Custom Fields within SmarterTrack.  This Knowledge Base article outlines how to create and use them:
We currently use Custom Fields already, and they would not really be applicable because they don't work the same as tags.  

Tags work because when a new tag is created, it becomes available for selection by the next agent.  Custom Fields would simply allow raw text to be entered into an entry space.  An agent is not constricted to certain tags or prompted when a tag exists, etc.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
I have gone ahead and submitted this as a feature request to our development team. Thanks for the suggestion!
Kyle Kerst System/Network Administrator SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Tagging is an excellent feedback management tool. 

Group tickets to find trends in customer interactions or identify similar issues. 
Please add it.

Would be great for KB-articles as well to improve customers search results and help users find the right articles.

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