Where did the Current Weights tab go under spam settings?
Question asked by Millennium Systems - 5/21/2019 at 2:06 PM
I can't seem to find this feature, or a setting to control it anywhere on the current SM release.

On version 15.x when the domain admin selected to override spam settings on Domain Settings > Spam Filtering it allowed the domain admin to adjust weight actions AND adjust weight values. Now they only seem to be able to adjust the actions?

5 Replies

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Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post
This was changed in build 6985:

  • Removed: In domain Spam Filtering, domain admins can no longer modify (or see) individual weights for any spam checks. If a domain admin has previously modified the spam check weights for their domain, performing an upgrade to this version will revert that domain to using the system-level spam check weights. You may wish to inform domain admins of this change and advise them them to monitor their email and adjust their domain's spam filter actions accordingly.
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Webio Replied
IMHO this should be optional. On my end (shared hosting) where users don't have access to domain admin end users can override their email accounts actions based on spam level. Without knowing what weight is causing which spam level they must guess what weight caused message to be low/medium/high level of spam.

Any information why this has been modified this way?
Millennium Systems Replied
Rather curious about the reasoning behind this as well.
Kyle Kerst Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
This was changed/removed in an effort to simplify usage, and increase efficiency. More details can be found in the following blog post: 

The section I am referencing can be found here as well: 

In addition, as a way to achieve the efficiency and ease of use of these changes, system settings are now propagated to Domain Administrators and users. When they’re allowed to by the system and/or domain administrator, domain administrators and users can easily change the behavior of Low, Medium and High messages as needed. However, as with most major email services, the weights for individual checks are solely managed by System Administrators. 

I can definitely bring this up during our next development review meeting though, and can ask about making this an optional setting for administrators. I'll follow up here if I receive further feedback from the dev team. 
Kyle Kerst Acting IT Manager SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Etienne Wilderink Replied
While tweaking our anti spam settings, I noticed that the weight settings are not propagated correctly to the domains when they are set to 'Override actions to this domain'. When I modify the weights (as System Administrator) on the global Settings > Anti spam > Options page, the new weights are not set to the domains.

For example:

  • Previous value for medium spam: 20
  • New value for medium spam: 16
  • On the System Anti Spam page the new value is shown: 16
  • However, on the domain's Anti spam page, the old value is preserved: 20
  • When I look into the domain's settings.json file, I found that the values are saved per domain (see below) and are not updated on System wide changes. This is different than the explanation given by Kyle. Also, it is indeed not possible to edit the value through the UI.
  • Incoming mail to the domain are still filtered using the value on domain level (20) instead of the system level (16). I have checked this in the headers of multiple messages (see below)

How do I need to update the spam weights for all domains?
When I disable the 'Override actions to this domain', also the settings on the user level are overwritten, which means that I need to inform all users to reconfigure their anti spam settings...
Or I need to edit settings.json for all domains and reload them (or restart the server).

Global system anti spam settings:

Domain level anti spam override settings:

Part of settings.json from the domain
The (old) spam weights (from the moment of creation) are saved on domain level:
"spam_settings": {
    "allow_users_to_override_spam_settings": true,
    "enable_spam_override": true,
    "spam_forward_option": 2,
    "spam_forward_override_active": false,
    "spam_level_low_weight": 15,
    "spam_level_low_action": {
      "action_type": 6,
      "argument": "[?SPAM?]"
    "spam_level_med_weight": 20,
    "spam_level_med_action": {
      "argument": "Junk E-Mail"
    "spam_level_high_weight": 30,
    "spam_level_high_action": {
      "argument": "Junk E-Mail"
    "spam_relay_option": 1,
    "spam_relay_override_active": false
One more thing: on domain level, the GUI says 'No Action' for medium spam (that may be strange, but is indeed set that way), but the settings.json file is set to: "spam_level_med_action": { "argument": "Junk E-Mail" }. How/where does the system gets the 'No Action' action?

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