Yes, we upgrade our installation as soon as there is a new version available.
I don't have direct access to our production server, so it is quite hard for me to debug this. Do you have any leads ?
Can it have something to do with IIS Site Links (not sure of the English name, see screen capture below) ? Because in my test environment, I have the following, somewhat similar problem:
I added a second Site Link in the IIS Configuration to bind it to a second SmarterTrack Brand.
I removed the default one which was "localhost:9996".
Calling "/Services2/svcTickets.asmx/GetTicketURL" on my test environment still returns a URL with "localhost:9996" instead of "support.first.local", which isn't even a valid URL any more.
I could verify that a ticket opened on my second brand does return the correct URL in my test environment. (support.second.local).
Thanks in advance for your leads.