Announcement of new releases and maintenance policy - What about the SmarterMail Free users?
Question asked by Stefan Mössner - 11/2/2018 at 12:28 AM
Hi all,

today I found an announcement from SmarterTools in my mailbox that at the end of the year there are a lot of changes. There will be new releases of all products and a new update policy. Updates will only available for active maintenance and support contracts.

But what about the users of SmarterMail Free? Will they get updates, hotfixes etc. in the future, too? Or will SmarterTools stop the free version and the users can stay on SmarterMail 16.x and earlier and won't benefit from the new releases any more?

That would be bad. I think there are a lot of users of the free edition. Some of them are helping SmarterTools to make this product better by posting the issues in this community forum. This won't be the case if these users won't get the newest releses and hofixes any more. SmarterTools will lose a lot of users in the community and their help.

I hope there will be an option to get the free edition with hotfixes an new releases in the future, too.

Kind Regards.

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Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
There is no change to the Free Edition of our products.  We feel very strongly about providing a version of our products for Free for really small companies or individuals.  The Free Edition also helps customers test the products.  In some cases like SmarterMail, the Free Edition is great as a Gateway etc.

Hope this helps.
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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