Search tickets by Organization
Problem reported by Yannick Guerdat - 9/11/2018 at 8:42 AM

I have an issue with the search inner the tickets by organization (logged as end-user). Actually the system didn't return me some tickets and the results look like a little strange. It return things who have nothing to do with the results and the official ticket number isn't found. 

But if I use the TicketID I'm able to see the ticket. It doesn't matter if the ticket is open, waiting or closed, the bug is the same under every situation. 

Has anyone the same issue as me ?    
Artionet.Group - Digital Transformation, eGovernment Solutions

8 Replies

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Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post
It sounds like your search tables need to be reindexed. Check out our KB, Reindex SmarterTrack Search Tables, for instructions.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Yannick Guerdat Replied
Thanks Andrew for your feedback. So I have reindex the tables based on your KB, but actually If I run the select (second part of the KB) I still have over 21'000 TicketsLeft and 3'200 TicketsCommentsLeft.

Is it the problem ?

Thanks for your feedback
Artionet.Group - Digital Transformation, eGovernment Solutions
Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post
By following the directions in the KB article, you are simply clearing out the existing indexing. This forces SmarterTrack to build a new set of search indexes the next time the indexing process runs. As noted in the KB article, reindexing can take a while to complete, sometimes several hours. This means that running the select queries from step 3 of the KB shortly after running the queries in step 2 will likely return higher than expected counts. If you try running those select statements now, you should get much lower counts, possibly even counts of 0. However, if you are still gettings counts like those from yesterday, that could be an indication that something is going wrong. If that is the case, then it may be advisable to open a support ticket to provide you with more personalized support.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Yannick Guerdat Replied
Hello Andrew,

Yes the number is a little less high as yesterday. 8400 TicketsLeft and 3200 TicketsCommentsLeft

But it still high. Does it can take more time as that to reindex ? 
Artionet.Group - Digital Transformation, eGovernment Solutions
Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post
Depending on your configuration and the amount of data involved, it is possible that it could take longer to index. However, it is more likely that something is preventing your instance from properly completing the indexing job. I would double check your counts one last time. If they are still in the range of several thousand, then it would likely be helpful to check out your error logs.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Yannick Guerdat Replied
Hello Andrew,

It's exactly the same result by today +/- 50 elements. 

Do I need to open a ticket ? My error logs is empty except some translations issues with new tickets creation.
Artionet.Group - Digital Transformation, eGovernment Solutions
Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post
Yes, it would probably be helpful to open a ticket so that our support team can take a look and try to identify what the underlying problem is.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Yannick Guerdat Replied
Thanks Andrew I will open one right away !
Artionet.Group - Digital Transformation, eGovernment Solutions

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