[UI] Default to -Root- when Creating New Folder
Idea shared by kevind - 8/21/2018 at 2:44 PM
Currently, when you create a New Folder, the parent folder defaults to the one that's currently selected, which is typically Inbox.
Idea:  Default the parent to -Root- if you're on one of the system folders (Inbox, Deleted Items, Drafts, etc.).
Users shouldn't be creating subfolders under system folders. If they really want to, make them manually change it, not the other way around.

15 Replies

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Yep, a seemingly simple idea, but very useful!
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Kevin,
You've got my upvote for this request. Adding subfolders to the Inbox may cause unexpected syncing behavior when using an email client, so I can see the logic in making users manually select that option. I've forwarded this suggestion to the development team and will post any updates I hear. 
Great, thank you!
Bump. When creating a folder, default to the Root folder instead of Inbox. This would be a simple change so users don't create folders under the Inbox which causes problems.

This was fixed in v15, but somehow it reverted back and defaults to the Inbox with a warning message??? Default to Root and just display the warning message if the user selects Inbox.
Yes, a great idea!
Absolutely agreed, users, as is normal expected behaviour, see the warning message and ignore it.
Employee Replied
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I wanted to update everyone here. We have decided that we will be implementing this in an upcoming BETA release. When this is added, if you right click on a folder to add new folder and use the context menu there, the option will default to the folder that was right clicked on. Otherwise, it will default to the root folder.
Josh, great, thanks!  Here's a reply to Robert in another thread, that also applies here:

We have a lot of customers who are on the fence about whether to upgrade from v15 or move to another mail platform. Most use the web interface so don't care about MAPI. Making UI improvements like this will help keep them on SmarterMail.
Employee Replied
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Hi all, 

This was address in Build 7459 (Jun 3, 2020): 
Changed: When not using the context menu (Folder right-click menu), creating a new folder defaults to the Root.

I just tried it in the latest release (Build 8025 - Dec 21, 2021)  and it doesn't default to -Root-.  It defaults to Inbox, and you really don't want users creating subfolders under system folders (Inbox, Deleted Items, etc.) unless they manually change it.

So I would request that this not be marked as Completed.  Thanks.

  Mine defaults to --Root Folder-- if I right click on the Inbox and hit New Folder, then it defaults to Inbox, but if I use the folders menu at the bottom left, it defaults fine.

   Again if I right click on any folder, it defaults to creating one under that, Inbox, Deleted Items, Drafts, Junk Email, Sent Items, etc.  But if I use the folders menu at the bottom left, it always defaults to --Root Folder-- for me.

Dave -- thanks for pointing that out. I just stay on Inbox to create a new folder. Never used that little thing down in the bottom left. Doesn't seem that intuitive for users.

Suggestion for ST:  Move that Folder menu from the bottom left to the line between system folders (Inbox, Trash, Sent) and user-created folders so users can see it and it's more obvious how to create folders, etc.


Yes this request was completed sometime in 2020 (build 7459), but somewhere along the way (build 8025) it got switched back and doesn't default to Root any more.

So politely request that this ticket not be marked as Completed and get added to the list for future enhancements. Then it will minimize this happening:

Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Kevind,

The current behavior of build 8125 is if you click the hamburger menu to add a new folder it defaults to Root. But if you right click on a specific folder to add the new folder, it defaults to that specific folder.
Hi Emily,

Yes, I understand that you can click the hamburger menu and it defaults to root. The problem is users can't find the hamburger menu as it's not intuitive.  Here's a way to improve it:

So users end up right-clicking on Inbox and create folders under Inbox. As stated in your KB, this is not good practice as it can confuse email clients.  So why not default it to root instead, like it used to be?

Suggest this thread be marked as Under Consideration or Denied, not Completed. Just trying to improve the web UI as that's why people love SM. Thanks.

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