Unable to login after upgrade from v7.x to 14.x
Problem reported by Glen Harvy - 7/4/2018 at 10:24 PM
I am unable to login either as a regular user or the Sys Admin since I upgraded. Are there logs somewhere that will help me find the problem.

8 Replies

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Glen Harvy Replied
I've been able to locate the log files and in the Activation log I keep getting the following entry:

19:46:09 Could not load activation string from database. Bad connection string.

Prior to upgrade I got the following entries:

02:09:20 License operation 'UpdateLicenseStats' occured.

02:09:20 Checking license restrictions for Free Edition

How do I eradicate this issue?
Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post
I recommend submitting a support ticket for this issue. Our support team should be able to assist in resolving this problem.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Glen Harvy Replied
Thank you for your response.
I am a sole developer and have used SmarterTools for free for several years. For that I thank your companies generosity. The upgrade I made was to take advantage of the Community portal. I was very reluctant to do this upgrade as my previous experience with upgrading SmarterTrack has been dismal.
It has taken me 3 goes at upgrading 7 to 14 and since your response I have performed the actions again without success. After realizing that the new App_Data folders contents also required installation on top of my current installation and then playing around with web.config in the root directory I have everything working except that I and any users cannot login via the Portal.
As Administrator, I can directly login to the Portal without problem.
I really don't think it appropriate for me to have to pay $50 (about AUD$ 75.00) to find out what's wrong with my installation as the issue has been created by a change somewhere in versions 8,9,10,11,12,13 and now 14 that affects the login function.
I did ask here hoping that there would be someone with enough experience to recommend a course of action or requirement that I have not yet undertaken. A search of your KB and the internet has proven fruitless.
I will now add to the 2 days it's taken me so far to try and read all the release notes.
If in the meantime, you or someone can come up with some suggestions or ideas, I would greatly appreciate it.
Glen Harvy Replied
Both the above errors have been eradicated but I still can't login.
Glen Harvy Replied
There's nothing I can find in the release notes but I have found on this forum that others seem to have the same problem with IIS 10.
Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post
This does not appear to be an IIS 10 issue. We have tested multiple configurations using IIS 10, and we have been unable to duplicate your problem. It is more likely that something in SmarterTrack's system settings was lost or corrupted as part of your upgrade from v7 to v14.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Glen Harvy Replied
I guess you meant to say you have NOT been able to duplicate the problem.
Well I downgraded to IIS 8.5 and I can now login fine.
Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for pointing that out, Glen. I have edited my previous comment to reflect what I intended to say.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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