AutoComplete no longer allowing multiple addresses from contact card
Problem reported by Tina Cline - 4/26/2018 at 2:12 PM
Not A Problem
User reports that having multiple contacts in a contact card previously was able to autofill in the TO line with all addresses in the contact using auto-complete.  This is no longer functioning and only inserting the first email address into the TO line.  We can add multiple email addresses into the contact card all on the same email address field with semi-colon and achieve the desired effect, but this is not as needed before.  Client advise that the contact manager is now worthless as an address book for entries with more than one email address.   Has there been any change to the AutoComplete or Contact Card format that would cause this change?
Version 15.7

6 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Tina,
Can you please let me know your exact SmarterMail version? I'm not seeing this issue with our latest build, 15.7.6663. When I create a contact with multiple email addresses, then enter that contact's display name in the To field, I am able to see and select all of the associated email addresses. The only time I don't see all email addresses in the autocomplete list is when I type in a specific address, rather than typing in the contact's name, which would be expected. 
If you're running 15.7.6663, I can help you to submit a ticket to our Support Department for a further review. If you're on an earlier version, please try and an update and let me know what you find. 
Thank you!
Tina Cline Replied
I believe the client is advising that the autocomplete was inclusive of all the contact addresses. For example, if the contact has three email addresses, then typing that contact name and selecting it in the TO line, would automatically put all three address in the TO line.
We are on version 15.7.6663
Tina Cline Replied
I guess another way to put it is that before they did not need to "select" the multiple addresses, rather it included them automatically. This is being reported as Auto-Complete and not as clicking the TO button. Going against what we know the function of the autocomplete does (single addresses only) I am wondering if this was a "bug" before that was corrected and hence they were using the bug to their advantage before?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thanks for the update, Tina! You're correct that the expected behavior for the autocomplete list is that only the email address you select is added to the To field. It could be the case that the user was using a bug to their advantage; however, that's not a bug that I've heard about. I did a quick look on the 15.x release notes, and I don't see anything about that behavior being corrected. That said, it could have been an inadvertent change from another fix related to contacts or the autocomplete list.

I'm sorry I can't provide a more concrete answer.
Tina Cline Replied
Hey Andrea,

I've replicated what the customer was describing. He has made some Contacts with multiple email addresses in the first Email Address block. Lets say the Contact name was "Friends 55"....he would be able to start a New Message, and begin typing Friends55, and once selected, all of those entered email addresses would be in the TO: field (granted all within the same < >). It sends successfully.

Now, when typing it into the TO: field and selecting it, ONLY the first email address in that Friends55 list appears. If you click on the TO: block, you can select "Friends55" from the Recipients List, and ALL of the entered email addresses go into the TO: field. This is great, except you can quickly type to filter within the Recipient list when presented it after clicking the TO: block....which is why most folks just start typing directly and select what's available.

A possible compromise is going into Contacts first and selecting the Contact, then picking Send Email, since that ALSO puts all of the email address in the TO: field as well.

Any chance on having it populate the same way when simply typing into the TO: field and selecting from the resulting filtered list? If not, any chance on adding the ability to type to filter the Recipient List after clicking on the TO: block?

Let us know and we can inform our customer to see if any functional changes have to happen in how Contact lists are created for use in the future...
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Just a quick update on this thread... Our development team replied that the email address field for a contact was never intended to allow multiple addresses. The fact that it did was an oversight that was corrected, as it broke with changes in Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) and Exchange Web Services (EWS), causing contacts to not work properly when synced with those technologies. It also isn't supported in MAPI. Because this was causing issues other features, it will not be put back into SmarterMail.

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