Merge Tickets Start Date
Idea shared by Lance Rasmussen - 3/14/2018 at 10:21 AM
In the merge tickets popup, it displays the ID, Subject, Email and Start Date.
Unless you look at the base ticket and look for the ID, you have no idea which is the ticket you want to keep and which are the tickets that will be merging to the kept ticket.
It would be helpful to add the time of the ticket either as a separate item in the list of tickets being merged or add the time next to the date.  This way it's easier to look to see which ticket was the first ticket received, which is usually the ticket kept and what the other tickets are merging to.    

2 Replies

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Eric McCarthy Replied
Employee Post
We will add this to our internal discussions as a possible future version feature.
Eric McCarthy Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Eric McCarthy Replied
Employee Post
In SmarterTrack version 14.1.6773 we have added the start date as to the list of details of tickets being merged.
Eric McCarthy Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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