Where to configure Scheduled Email Reports?
Question asked by Martino Decarolis - 2/5/2018 at 10:48 AM
According to SM 16 Help, Scheduled Email Reports should be configured in the Reports section:
...click the reports icon. Then click Scheduled Email Reports in the navigation pane...
But there is no such navigation item (logged in as Sys Admin). Any idea?
We're using the most current Version (16.3.6607) of SM, with an Enterprise Edition license.

10 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hello Martino,
I apologize for the confusion. Scheduled Email Reporting is not available in SmarterMail 16.x. We'll get the documentation updated accordingly. 
mark Replied
We've recently upgraded to SM16 and have customers complaining that they are no longer recieving their scheduled disk space usage reports. Are there any plans to re-introduce this feature, it's causing us some problems (basically we now have to run the reports manually, take a screen shot and email that directly).


Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Mark. At this time, I'm not aware of any plans to bring back the functionality for scheduled email reports. I'll put in the request and let you know if I hear any updates.
mark Replied
I'd like to know if this has been discussed by the development team?  We really miss the ability to schedule reports and it takes unnecessary time every month to do this manually when it used to be automatic.  Can we please have this feature reinstated?  Please?

Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Mark, 

I'm also hoping this request will make a comeback, but I'm afraid I have no updates to provide at this time. This request remains on the Discussions List. That said, at this specific point in time, we are not adding any NEW things to the SmarterMail. We have some pretty big company changes right around the corner and are focusing on making the next release of SmarterMail 100% usable and as bug-free as possible. After these big changes are finalized, we will be discussing community items and planning for the next stages of SmarterMail. 

This thread is linked to the discussion item, so I will be sure to provide updates as they are available. Please hang tight for now!  
Jason Earle Replied
Have there been any updates to this? This was a pretty useful feature, hard to believe SmarterTools would just remove it!
Jason EarleIT Systems Administrator JCL Investments Inc. | https://www.jclinc.ca
CVS Admin Replied
Hi Smartermail Support, 

The scheduled email reports is very useful for us. I hope Smartermail will have this feature reinstated.
Bernardo Murillo Replied

This was a very useful feature, i hope smartermail release again this in the future.
Matthew Titley Replied
I have a few customers clamoring for this to be returned. I simply cannot understand how something so simple can't be added back. Generate a report, send the pretty graph and chart to the user. Come on ST. Really? I'm getting real heat on this.

Matthew Titley Replied
Let's suppose that ST really sticks to their guns and refuses to listen to, what at least a few of their customers believe, is common sense. Does anyone know if there is a way to do this programmatically via the API?

I have a few clients with managers who used to be able to check on their sales reps by getting a daily email report on how many emails the sales staff sent out every day. It'd arrive in their inbox and they'd check it first thing in the morning. It'd have a nice bar chart and message count, sorted by top users: quick and easy daily report. Now, someone has to have the correct privileges and then log in to SmarterMail, click domain reports, outbound messages, select the mode to users, set the day to the previous day, and then sort by outbound message count. It's just ridiculous to delete the feature. Thousands of man hours over years working on MAPI (which is wonderful for many for sure) but not a couple of days (at the very most I imagine) reworking a simple reporting feature already in the product into a simple scheduled email delivery. Truly, I don't get it.

Since I'm getting complaints about it being removed, I have to pass them along with the same level of irritation that my customers are expressing to me.

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