blacklist event in ticket view
Idea shared by Roeland Buisman - 12/22/2017 at 2:54 PM
It would begreat to have an option in the ticketview to blacklist emailaddresses.
I now it is better to handle this on theemailserver, but as that is not used when using the ticketsystem, the only option is to have it in the ticketsystem.

3 Replies

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Andrew Barker Replied
Employee Post
Email blacklisting should be handled on the mail server. When properly configured, mail server blacklists will prevent emails from blacklisted addresses from entering the inbox. As SmarterTrack only looks at the inbox when processing incoming tickets, a blacklisted email will never make it in.
Andrew Barker Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Hi Andrew, Of course you are right here , as it is better to do this via the mailserver. But the problem is that it is not possible to go to the mailserver blacklist settings every few minutes that unwanted email comes in. I am also not talking about a real spam solution, but more about an email blacklist for all those addresses where you just don't want to receive email from. This future is available in most ticketsystems like osticket and freshdesk:

I initially configured another folder called "Other Inbox", and then a rule to move ALL incoming e-mails into this folder. Then I have a list of e-mail addresses which automatically move into the Inbox. The only time I need to log in to the e-mail account and update settings, is when we need to add another e-mail address to the list.

This works very well for us because we can still review other incoming e-mail which might be legitimate in the "Other Inbox" folder. We haven't had spam come in however, I'd expect them to go into the Junk E-mail folder. Might this solution work for you?

Although I was also originally thinking this feature would be great, I was wondering how it might affect other organizations who deal with a great deal of spam. Perhaps its best for performance if the SmarterTrack server did not have to process these requests. When initially setting up POP, I had some really bad performance issues when it simply failed to connect. Then again, I'm using a measly dual core 2.13Ghz with 4GB RAM.

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