[POTENTIAL BUG] Cannot paste images into email body
Problem reported by Nicolas Le Merle - 11/24/2017 at 2:08 AM
Recently upgraded to v16.3.6530 and users are now reporting their images are not being received by recipients. I tested this myself and can confirm its an issue :(

13 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Can you test attaching an image with the attachment button and not pasting?  Also can you open the browser console and navigate to the network tab.  Are there any API response errors shown?
Nicolas Le Merle Replied
Attaching an image produces the same error, console shows a 404 error as per below. I notice its adding a second webmail/ directory path which is incorrect:
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Thank you for the report, Nicolas! I'm seeing some odd behavior related to inline images in SmarterMail 16.3.6535 as well. We'll get this resolved. 
Nicolas Le Merle Replied
Thanks Andrea, can you confirm a release date and if it would be possible for me to safely rollback to an earlier release to fix the issue?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
What is your full domain path?
Nicolas Le Merle Replied
PM sent
echoDreamz Replied
Agreed - Will there be a release this week? Especially with the SMTP AUTH bug that I believe was fixed yesterday.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
echoDreamz, A minor release is tentatively scheduled for this week. That said, we do have a pre-release build that includes the fix for the SMTP AUTH bug. If you'd like that, you can find the custom build here: https://portal.smartertools.com/community/a89926/16_3_6535-550-from-address-must-match-authenticated-address.aspx.

Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hey Nicolas,
Just heard an update for this thread... I was told the issue you're seeing might be caused because IIS is using a virtual directory, and the path for the API is being set incorrectly. Managing virtual directories is a bit beyond my technical scope, but I hope it helps! 
echoDreamz Replied
Andrea, I am good, we are running the November 9th or so build, that does not seem to be affected by this, but we would like to update (since we are 2 behind now) to the latest release, but want to make sure the public release includes this fix as it seems to be a nasty one.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
This will be fixed in our next release.
Nicolas Le Merle Replied
Thanks Matthew, have you got a release date scheduled ?
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
We have a release we are planning on doing today, or tomorrow if something comes up.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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