Outgoing messages per hour
Problem reported by Damir Matešić - 10/13/2017 at 4:30 AM
Hi, after sending 1000 messages SM rejects of sending additional e-mail messages (newsletter). I put on domain settings 0 under "Outgoing messages per hour" (unlimited). Something is wrong here.

11 Replies

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Ashkan Nasiri Replied
Did you use propagate to make your changes effective across all email account/mail domains?
Damir Matešić Replied
I need to upgrade limits for one domain and this is a per domain setting. If I am right?
Damir Matešić Replied
Hi SmarterMail support. Are there any news about this issue?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Damir,
Are you sending the emails out from a mailing list? If so, please be sure to check the Throttling card on that specific mailing list. Please let me know what you find.
Damir Matešić Replied
I am sendig this mailing list from umbraco web solution. After about 1000 messages i get rejected of sending more messages and the limits are set to "0"
Damir Matešić Replied
Hi Andrea, did you have a chance to take a look at this problem?
Damir Matešić Replied
Hi Andrea, are there any updates on this issue?
Kyle Kerst Replied
Damir - if you log in as a domain administrator, navigate to the Mailing Lists settings area, and check the throttling card for this particular mailing list - you'll likely see the throttling limit that you're running into. If there are no throttling limits set here, you'll probably need to open a ticket with SM support.
Kyle Kerst Cameron Solutions LLC www.cameron-solutions.com
Damir Matešić Replied
I am using https://www.newsletterstudio.org/ from umbraco to send mailing lists. Not integrated mailing lists from SM. So there is a problem with domain outgoing mail messages limits!
Damir Matešić Replied
Kyle - i am not using mailing lists from SM. I am using umbraco https://www.newsletterstudio.org/ solution for mailing lists. I am using SM only as outgoing mail server with full auth username and password for outgoing messages.
Damir Matešić Replied
On domain settings under Priority and Throttling i have set outgoing messages per hour to 100 000 and i am rejected from the mail server after about 1000 messages with the message Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed. at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send

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