Bug: SM v15.x Issue with uppercase in email address/username
Problem reported by David Fisher - 9/7/2017 at 12:25 PM
  Been having this issue for years, it seems when you add a user in SmarterMail for a Domain, if you use mixed case, like DSmith, it causes problems with the last login times, it doesn't seem to show when they last logged in on the UI, webmail, Domain User Management.
  So I have a few users on a Domain that have mixed case for username portion, and the Last Login is blank for those people.
  Think this can be corrected?
This issue is still there in SmarterMail v15.7.6443
Thank You,

8 Replies

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Paul Blank Replied
Good catch. Would be nice if this got fixed.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi David.  I tested this scenario in our latest SmarterMail 15 release, and this is not occurring.  I would open a support ticket on this, and we can take a look.
David Fisher Replied
Hi Rod,

You are right, I added a new user, and tested it with multiple case and it registers it each time.. I will have to investigate why these grandfathered accounts are not working correctly. These users were added years and years ago!

I will see if there are differences in the xml files, etc..

Back after more testing! Thank you very much for testing this for me, I should of tried adding a new user to make sure you could replicate it first.

David Fisher Replied
  Okay, I think I figured it out, I see in LastLoginTimes.xml file, the people that aren't working, are all lowercase, however the new user I added, is in proper case, example TestUser1@domain.com
  I think an older version of SmarterMail originally wrote to the LastLoginTimes.xml file as all lowercase when it should of been written matching the case.  So the UI reads the info in that file to display when they last logged in, and it isn't seeing the user due to case sensitivity.
  Solutions?  I could try and find all users with any uppercase letters and edit the file manually, or is this something SmarterTools wants to fix any time soon?
   I have not edited my LastLoginTimes.xml file to make sure this can be replicated.  I may do this during off peak times though, and will post my findings.
Thank You,
David Fisher Replied
Update: I used the built in rename function in SmarterMail, to rename the user, to change the case, however you have to rename it to something else first, then you can rename it back with all lowercase.

I found once you rename the user, as this user is in the LastLoginTimes.xml file already, it WILL NOT update the last login times section anymore in the UI interface.

I was unable to edit the LastLoginTimes.xml file while SmarterMail was running, as it just overwrites it again.

So I can easily replicate this now. I don't have any support tickets available right now, otherwise would of opened a ticket on this, as it seems truly a bug.

Thank You,
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Dave. I'll test this here locally and let you know what I find.
David Fisher Replied
Hi Rod, thank you for checking into this.. Also while you are at it, I noticed users for the domain aliases, that check email, update the LastLoginTimes.xml file, however it doesn't update the GUI column. Probably not looking for the domain alias and only the main domain?

David Fisher Replied
Hi Rod,
  Just checking in, to see if you had a chance to test this more, I didn't notice in the past two releases, any mention of this being fixed in the release notes, so I am assuming not yet.
Thank You,

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