Mark as NOT Spam in webmail
Question asked by Ryan Hendrickson - 8/28/2017 at 7:28 AM
I've recently upgraded to SmarterMail 16.  I'm wondering where the "Mark As Not Spam" option has gone to?  We get a lot of false positives on the bayesian filtering.

4 Replies

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
The "Mark Not Spam" option is available for messages in your Junk E-mail folder. You can right click on a message and it's in the context menu, or you can use the Select button to select multiple messages and then use the Actions (...) button and Mark Not Spam is available there as well. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Ryan Hendrickson Replied
Here's the thing, what if you're not moving Spam-Low emails to the Junk Email Folder, because sometimes users forget to check that folder. Especially while training the basien filtering process. How to do you it know those emails are NOT spam?
Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Hey, Ryan. The issue may not be your bayesian filter...it could be something else, like no SPF, no DKIM, a RBL score, etc. So having a "mark not spam" for items in the inbox won't necessarily have an effect on a message if it's not a bayesian score. You'll need to look at the messages and see what is causing the SPAM LOW designation. You can then adjust your scores as needed to remove that prefix on future messages. Alternatively, if it's from someone you know, you can add that person as a contact, thereby adding them to your Trusted Senders.
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Ryan Hendrickson Replied
HEre's one:
X-SmarterMail-Spam: Bayesian Filtering, ISpamAssassin 0 [raw: 0], SPF_Pass, DKIM_Pass
X-SmarterMail-TotalSpamWeight: 18

Innocuous email from a company providing an email receipt. If Bayesian filtering isn't the way to handle email spam checking anymore, do you have better options that do not have a license fee? If I relax some of my filters, I get inundated with spam.

(we are running this for our non-profit, not a ton of emails like some other users of SM).
Low Probability: 18; Medium-27; High-40

Spam Filtering Settings (Spool Filtering: on):
Bayesian: Weight-17; Max Memory: 9000; Messages Required for update: 5
DKIM: Pass-0; Fail-6, None-0; Max Size to sign-0; Max to verify-400MB
Reverse DNS: Weight 15
SpamAssassin-Based Pattern Matching: Low: 22; Medium 32; High 42
SPF: Pass-0; Fail-30; Soft fail-12; Neutral-0; Perm Error-15; Non-5

I'm running several RBL Lists (28 of them)

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