Over the last 18 months we have been waiting for a new version of SmarterTrack. One that would allow agents to work from mobile and table devices efficiently. From the outside it appears that SmarterMail web UI has gotten some quality dev work, but I'm not so sure that it was warranted. Emails can be managed via default local Apps on Phones, Tablets and Computers. Which makes the consumption of the SmarterMail Web UI less than the number of user license that have been sold. Where as SmarterTrack can only be consumed via the Web UI. IMO I think smarterTrack should be been first, not smartermail.
SmarterTrack use to have an iOS5 looking Web UI, that was hard to work with. now we have the full UI, which is hard to work with as its alot of scaling up and down to move around.
I say all of this as a user who uses SmarterMail Web UI as my primary on my Computer as I do not want my mail stored local. But I still think its long over due for SmarterTrack to get a UI that can be used on mobile platforms specifically iOS. The shortest path may simply be an iOS native app written with Xamarin. The cost to do this is relatively low at this time.
If Smarter Tools is NOT going to build a native app for mobile platforms or deliver a web UI that works on mobile agent platforms, then I would like to suggest that SmarterTools work with an outside company, I'll throw my hat in the ring, to develop the mobile app and SmarterTools place marketing to promote said apps. Its appears that SmarterTools does not have enough developers to deliver the promised 4 new version of products last year ( 2 smarter mail and 2 SmarterTrack) so why not work with outside resources and move the product along? Its almost common place now to have companies work with outside mobile companies to deliver mobile apps, and then promote those app.
I am getting pressure from my agent to migrate away from smarterTrack due to lack of mobile abilities. And I understand it. I need to know when is smartertools going to deliver a version of smarterTrack that works for agents on a mobile/tablet platform.
So What say ye?