Hey, Scarab
Let me address a few of these:
-Installer and blank host names: We couldn't replicate that here. But we'll look into it some more.
- Drag and drop in Edge: we're hoping to get this resolved in today's build.
- Gateways triggering IDS DoS: we should have this resolved in today's build.
- Select All issues on Spam Quarantine and XMPP Connections: This should be resolved in today's build.
- Login Display: I can't replicate this. I can do it for both the system admin login as well as the domain login by simply using a .PNG or a .JPG. It just drops the image right above the login area...If you inspect using the dev tools, are you getting any errors in the console? Have you tried toggling "Enable custom login Page HTML"? (I didn't have to do this, but thought it may be worth trying.) Maybe a permissions issue?
- Security > Blacklist: Are you limiting the display to a set number of rows on the page? Leaving the default of 25 or are you changing it at all? Any console errors?
- We'll test the upgrade items you've listed again, so thanks for reporting them.
Derek Curtis
SmarterTools Inc.