Release Notes for Version 15.3.6095 (Sep 8, 2016) - Autodiscover
Question asked by Shaun Peet - 9/9/2016 at 7:45 AM
In the release notes for the version 15 update that just came out yesterday (Sep 8, 2016) there is this line:
  • Fixed: Autodiscover now functions correctly for Outlook on Windows.
Can someone please elaborate on what "correctly" means, exactly?  Does it require ActiveSync or not?
As a mail admin with thousands of "beginner / novice" users it would be awesome if somebody could create an account with just their email address & password.  Right now they need to get into incoming / outgoing mail servers, IMAP v POP3 questions, Outgoing Requires Authentication is buried into advanced settings, etc.
I'd really like to see a definitive tutorial from SmarterTools which lays out precisely how Autodiscover works (how to set it up properly) and what expectations we should have for various types of (popular) email clients connecting.
I've followed these instructions and it never seems to work exactly the way it says it's supposed to:

9 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hey Shaun. I'd like to make you aware that we have plans in the works for improving the documentation related to Auto Discover which will have a breakdown for each client.
Larry Duran Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hello Shaun,
This is currently a partial fix for Outlook due to the early minor release (fixing the recurring calendar issue).  With this release you will be able to fall back to IMAP as a connection for auto discovery.  For instance, if I have my server configured as per our set-up-autodiscover-for-smartermail.aspx documentation, I can enter my email address and password and an IMAP connection is automatically setup.  Before this release there were instances where Outlook was not able to setup any auto discover connections, even though it appeared to work correctly for a brief moment.
We are still in the process of getting this same functionality working with active sync and my assumption is it will be available in the next minor release.
Let me know if you have any other questions regarding these changes.
Larry Duran Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
CCC Replied
Is it possible to configure Smartermail autodiscover to prefer POP but allow IMAP?
Larry Duran Replied
Employee Post
Right now there is no way to select one protocol over another. If a user is configured for both POP and IMAP then both protocol information is sent in the auto discover response and the client will decide which to use.

We have talked about making this a feature request but there is no work in progress for this.
Larry Duran Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
CCC Replied
Thanks for the follow-up Larry!
CCC Replied
I propose a +1 for a feature request for autodiscover to support the preference of POP over IMAP (or vice versa) on a per domain / per mailbox basis. 
I've added this as a reply to thread so it can be voted up if others are interested.
Bruce Barnes Replied
Would also be nice if we had the option to eliminate POP altogether.
We have only 1 user who still uses POP, and he forwards all of his e-mail to an AO:L account.   When he gets spam, he sometimes blocks the forwarding account and that causes all kinds of headaches.
I know, tell him not to block his SmarterMail domain account, but he doesn't remember that - he's 82 years old, and does contextual analysis.  Very well respected,and literate with the written word, but not tech savvy at all.   Fortunately, I've known him for many years and have access to his AOL account, so I can go unblock (mark as NOT SPAM) what he gets wrong.
Additionally, we've eliminated plain text authentication for user's clients.  We're 100% TLS now, from client to SmarterMail and, when the connections support it, to other MX servers as well.  That was a simple check box in the SMTP IN configuration:
Disabling PLAIN TEXT logins in SMTP
Disabling PLAIN TEXT logins in SMTP

We notified our hosted clients six months in advance of the implementation, giving them the option to make the changes at their convenience.  We repeated the notification at 3 months, 2 months, and 1 month.

Two weeks out, we reminded them that, as of a given date, anyone not connecting via a TLS encrypted connection would not be able to use their MX client to connect to our SmarterMail server.   When the actual date arrived, we had only a handful of subscribers who could not connect, and their situation was easily resolved.
Bruce Barnes ChicagoNetTech Inc brucecnt@comcast.net Phonr: (773) 491-9019 Phone: (224) 444-0169 E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist Network Security Specialist Customer Service Portal: https://portal.chicagonettech.com Website: https://www.ChicagoNetTech.com Security Blog: http://networkbastion.blogspot.com/ Web and E-Mail Hosting, E-Mail Security and Consulting
Shaun Peet Replied
Hi Bruce,
Welcome back to the SmarterMail community!  I've been working with the SmarterMail dev team on tweaks to the SMTP In Autodiscover settings and they've added an "Encryption" dropdown to choose either "None", "TLS", or "SSL", which is working great.
My question to you, since you know way more about this stuff than most people, is what *should* be used for SMTP in.  My network guys have suggested that for SMTP In, using SSL on 465 is no longer recommended best practice and instead should be TLS on 587.  So that's what we've setup and again with the changes SmarterMail made a couple weeks ago this works perfectly.  What's your opinion on this?
Emmet McGovern Replied
I know this is late, but I'm guessing they only added that option in v16, not v15?

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