Sorry for the delay in responding, Kevin. With regard to the BARRACUDA RBL, I always enter the individual wieghts and responses, and do detailed logging.
This helps me track any issues with the RBL, especially false positives. As i recall, from another thread I am / was active in, BARRACUDA is, in some cases, extremely unreliable, sometimes depending on DNS servers, which are limited tp no more than 200K queries per day, and sometimes by other issues.
As I get ready to update the antispam settings for SmarterMail 15.1, and, when released 16.X, this will be further vetted, and the results made available. For the time being, make certain you are using PRIVATE DNS servers, and set your logs to detailed.
They should be able to get you a lot of good information.
Please contact me off list if you require additional assistance.
- Bruce Barnes
Bruce Barnes
ChicagoNetTech Inc
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