What is meximum size of a User Mail box in SM 10, 11, 12 ,13 & 14
Question asked by Rishikesh Somshetti - 9/20/2015 at 11:48 PM
Dear All,
Is there any one idea that what the SmarterMail provide to keep maximum size of a user limit on webmail?
If the account is using active sync than what is the maximum size we can keep for a user mail box?
NetGains Support Team

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5 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Mailbox size limits within SmarterMail are completely configurable on a domain and user level.
As the System Administrator, you control the domain's disk space size. To configure this limit, log in and edit the desired domain. Click on the Limits tab and adjust the Disk Space. The Domain Administrator then has the ability to allot their users a certain number of space as well, with the System Admin limit taking precedence. To adjust user limits, log in as the Domain Administrator and go to Settings > Domain Settings > Users. Edit the desired user, click on the User tab and adjust the Mailbox Size Limit.
These can be configured in the Domain and User Propagation settings as well to quickly and easily populate these settings among domains and users. 
Rishikesh Somshetti Replied
Dear Andrea,

Thanks for the info.
But if we have 20 TB SAN and there are 40 Domains so can we give 15 TB for a domain and 5 TB for a user???

I was more interested to here the capacity of a domain/User to handle the limit of data size.
Regards, NetGains Support Team NetGains Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Making iT Simple Help Desk: +91-22 - 6139 7100 Website : www.netgainstechnologies.com
Thomas Betz Replied
My question is the same as Rishikesh. Does this mean that there is no limit to how large a single mailbox can be? We can safely make them many TB's if we want? I'm just trying to learn the safe limitations of SmarterMail. As customers request larger mailboxes, I want to make sure that I don't go beyond the server's ability, and I don't want a single user's mailbox to drag down the entire server.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
We see occasional issues with SAN's so just watch out. In terms of useable limitations, depends on sync protocols (EAS seems to have issues with larger mailboxes). The only hard set limit anywhere is the size of a grp file, being 2GB. The grp file is effectively the email in a folder for that day. So if you see a user with 2GB of mail in their inbox in one day, you'll see problems.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Thomas Betz Replied
I heard back from Emily Ward at SmarterTools today. She confirmed that SmarterMail does not have a mailbox size limitation. Any limitations would be based on your platform and deployment scenario. Thanks Emily!

We have a strong platform with plenty of resources and DAS. It appears that the email client (Outlook and IMAP) would be providing our limitations. I don't expect any of our users will be sending or receiving 2TB of email in a day, so the grp file limitation shouldn't come into play.

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