What is this POP up?
Question asked by SpamHurts - 7/30/2015 at 8:48 PM
So, I have a customer. They are using smartermail. He called today stating that he received a popup message logged into smartermail. The message said that he was at 90 percent disk space. 
How do I turn this off. Why is he getting it? Why are the dates from last year? He is not currently at 90% of his disk space. He was around these times last year. Why is this popping up now? And here is the strange part of it. I got his email and password from him. Logged in from my own machine, and no pop up. So it is not serving out side of his house??
Remember kids, every time a spam message gets blocked, a nerd gets their glasses. spamhurts/July 15

3 Replies

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SpamHurts Replied
bump..... help
Remember kids, every time a spam message gets blocked, a nerd gets their glasses. spamhurts/July 15
Joe Wolf Replied
Do you have a disk space limitation set on the user?  The warnings may be valid if you have a limit sent and the user has never dismissed the notifications.  Has the user tried hitting the Dismiss All button?
If you're sure it's a local browser issue clear the browser cache or try using a different browser.
Thanks, -Joe
Scarab Replied
The Event Notifications are coming from SETTINGS > EVENTS. You have a rule configured for "User Disk Space Used". If you want to disable this alert for future events you would either modify the Event appropriately or remove the "Enabled" checkbox for this item.
As Joe pointed out this won't fix it for previous events. If a user has received previous events and never dismissed them then they will continue to be alerted of this in their notifications until they do.

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