Reports: Replies from the Queue instead of agent.
Question asked by Jeremy Wesley - 7/15/2015 at 6:28 AM
Take a look at this screen shot. how is it possible that the Queue sent replies?
Can someone explain how thats possible.
I personally would love to see a webinar where someone explained the reports.

2 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hello Jeremy,
I looked into this and found the answer:
 If Agent A creates a ticket but assigns it to Agent B the reports say Agent B sent the message. So if Agent A creates a ticket and assigns it to the queue the reports say the Queue sent it.
This has been fixed for the next version so now if Agent A creates a ticket and sends it then the reports will now say Agent A sent the message.
Thank you,
Jeremy Wesley Replied
Thanks so much for looking into this. Reports will be more accurate and useful. If we could tackle how to get a report for billable work that would be cool, until then SQL Queries it is :)

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