Deleting messages using webmail - any record of activity in any log?
Question asked by Webio - 7/1/2015 at 1:46 AM
is there any log record of webmail operations when it comes to deleting messages? From IMAP and POP logs we can tell that some messages where removed, retrieved etc but how about webmail?

12 Replies

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Webio Replied
I just want to let you know that it looks like someone from Nigeria logged in using webmail (this is also interesting because almost always hijacked accounts are being used for SMTP spamming but not this time) to client account, done something with his emails (I don't know if messages where browsed or not) and then removed all messages from Inbox (year 2013 until yesterday - about 3.3k messages). I have a backup so there is no problem to restore it but IMHO webmail logging MUST be more detailed.
Currently it looks like this:
[2015.06.30] 23:45:57 PM [IPFROMNIGERIA][mksbk3] Attempting to login : CLIENTEMAILADDRESS 
[2015.06.30] 23:45:57 PM [IPFROMNIGERIA][mksbk3][Domain : MAILDOMAIN] Login was successful : [CLIENTEMAILADDRESS (User)]
[2015.06.30] 23:55:17 PM [IPFROMNIGERIA][mksbk3][Domain : MAILDOMAIN] Logged Out : [CLIENTEMAILADDRESS (User)]
and thats all. I have no idea what was done in this 10 minutes between logging in and logging out.
Scott Hendrickson Replied
I was just searching the forum for the same information. Webio, did you find this info in the Admin log? I just thought to search there. I have Pro v14.0.5661, and the Admin log does not appear on my Log Settings screen, Log Detail Levels tab, so I can't set its level to Detailed like some of the others. Can you set the detail level for your admin log???
Scott Hendrickson SOS4Net, Inc. Centennial, CO. U.S.A.
Webio Replied

I have all logs (Administrative too) set to Detailed but no information related to this topic are stored inside this log. Basically all webmail operations are not traceable except logging in and out.

Webio Replied
Anyone from SmarterMail dev team? Does SmarterMail v16 which has rewritten GUI part which will use API for all operations will allow logging of webmail activity like performing operations on messages?
Yousuf Ishtiaque Replied
Same issue is here, Client inbox is deleted and we don't have any trace or logs. Anyone from Smarter Mail team can reply?
Webio, There is no log about all email functions in webmail. :(
In the last year I make the suggestion to use the IMAP log file to do this, but no response.
CCC Replied
Can SmarterTools please at least confirm if this is expected behavior?
Webio Replied
Anyone from SmarterTools could confirm that this will be added to SM v16?
Webio Replied
Anyone from ST SM devs? It would be great to have some clarification here if SM v16 allows logging operations performed in webmail. Recently I had few strange issues where POP/IMAP logs where empty (EAS is not being used) where messages dissapeared. Only logs which I have is that someone logged to webmail and thats all. It's quite hard to explain or tell customer that he probably has deleted those messages when he is telling he has not.
Unfortunately, we will migrate to opensource environment (postfix+dovecot+roundcube). I guess the SM don't care about some questions from the customers and don't return back. I have support ticket with advanced logging from Mailbox Watching (losse messages in .GRP) and no solutions for more than 6 months. :(
CCC Replied
Webio Replied
Bump bump
Today I had two users with missing Inbox mail. I didn't found any records in IMAP or POP, they are also not AS enabled. Webmail log just shows successful login. I had several identical support tickets in last months where only Inbox files where missing.

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