Export domain users list
Idea shared by Luk - 5/13/2015 at 1:31 AM
Export domain users list to CSV, fields required: username displayname, status, role, authentication mode, last login. Simple export to CSV feature,on  Setting->Domain Settings->Users.

3 Replies

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I would love this feature as well! (include forwarding email(s) as well)
Employee Replied
Employee Post
I'm happy to report that this is now possible in SmarterMail 16.3.6488! 
  • Added: Domain admins can now export a list of users to a CSV file; it will contain user contact information, display name, disk allocation and utilization, last login, etc.
  • Added: System admins can now export a list of all system users to a CSV file; it will contain user contact information, display name, disk allocation and utilization, last login, etc., grouped by domain.
Learn more here: 

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