Waiting Folder for Agents
Idea shared by Joe Winter - 11/19/2014 at 6:48 AM
Good morning,
My company uses SmarterTrack to manage our requests from our customers. Currently, under the setting QUEUE there are 3 folders identified: ACTIVE, WAITING, and CLOSED. ACTIVE are ACTIVE requests that the Agent is processing. WAITING are requests that tell the customer that the Agent is waiting on the customer to do something. CLOSED are, well, CLOSED ticket.
What I think would be a HUGE help to SmarterTrack on the Agent side. 
Create one more folder (after ACTIVE, WAITING, and CLOSED) called BIN. This BIN would be a place where Agents could put tickets that do not require their immediate attention, but also are not WAITING on the customer. This would allow the Agent to manage their Queue Active to ZERO. Thus making sure every request is processed accurately and in a timely manner. Then, using the Rules Feature, when an update is placed on a ticket in the BIN, it will reopen the ticket in QUEUE ACTIVE; thus gaining the attention of the Agents in the QUEUE.
I hope I explained myself well, and if you have any questions or would like to "brainstorm" this idea, please contact me at jwinter82@gmail.com
Thank you,  

3 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Joe,
A similar feature actually already exists in SmarterTrack. I think what you're suggesting will accomplish the same thing as setting a ticket as Waiting with a Follow-Up. When you have a ticket that still requires agent activity, but isn't waiting on anything for the customer, you can put it in Waiting and set a follow-up for it. This will get it out of the Active queue. When the follow-up comes due, the ticket will be transferred back to the agent's Active queue and will be noted as a follow-up by the clock icon in the Status bar. In these two help documents you can find some more information on this:
I hope this helps! 
Hi Andrea,

When you put the ticket into WAITING status, with a FOLLOW UP it still tells the customer "Waiting for You" (which is not correct in this situation.) As the ticket is completed 100% by the customer, but the AGENT is WAITING for the request to be completed.

Goal - As an agent, I want to put a ticket into a BIN or different waiting folder that is not the QUEUE ACTIVE or QUEUE WAITING.

Reason - with 15/20 tickets all getting different status updates, it would nice to manage the QUEUE ACTIVE to zero. Through the notification tool manager, I can have any status update to a ticket go back to the QUEUE ACTIVE (thus requiring our attention.)

Reason 2 - when putting at ticket into WAITING it notifies the customer with the statement "Waiting for You" (hinting to the customer that they need to do something- which in this case is incorrect).

Hope this is clearer and thank you for looking into this. Look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Hi Andrea,

When you put the ticket into WAITING status, with a FOLLOW UP it still tells the customer "Waiting for You" (which is not correct in this situation.) As the ticket is completed 100% by the customer, but the AGENT is WAITING for the request to be completed. 

Goal - As an agent, I want to put a ticket into a BIN or different waiting folder that is not the QUEUE ACTIVE or QUEUE WAITING.

Reason - with 15/20 tickets all getting different status updates, it would nice to manage the QUEUE ACTIVE to zero. Through the notification tool manager, I can have any status update to a ticket go back to the QUEUE ACTIVE (thus requiring our attention.)

Reason 2 - when putting at ticket into WAITING it notifies the customer with the statement "Waiting for You" (hinting to the customer that they need to do something- which in this case is incorrect). 

Hope this is clearer and thank you for looking into this. Look forward to hearing back from you soon.


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