License changes: only two
Question asked by Michael Barber - 11/15/2014 at 1:25 PM
I just noticed this.  So you can only change the license twice.  We just had a server crashed...and they reinstalled the OS...they named the server something different.    So now we have to use up a license change for this.
This is bogus.  We spent over $1000 on the license...we should be able to use it WHEREVER we want to WHENEVER we want to on WHATEVER server we want to.  That's a lot of money for this ridiculousness.

7 Replies

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Joe Wolf Replied
Log into your SmarterTools account, Licenses, click on the License Key itself, under Activation History select the Reset Activations button.

Thanks, -Joe
Steve Reid Replied
I'm not sure what made you come to those conclusions. But over the years I have moved my Smartermail to many different servers.

Smartermail licensing is allowed to be run on two installations simultaneously to facilitate server moves. That's the only restrictions I believe...
Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Hi Michael,
I was able to pull up your account and reset the activations on your license for you.  For future reference, you can reset those activations at anytime by logging in to account.smartertools.com.  Click on Licenses from the main menu screen and a list of all your keys will pull up.  Select the key that needs to be reset and you will see the Reset Activations option.
Let me know if you need any further assistance.
Michael Barber Replied
I think people might misunderstood my OP.  I know that you can reset activations.  I have many licenses, at least 4 or so I believe.  I just reset one this week because the server name changed 
I read on the website, however, that you can only do that TWICE during the entire life of the license as specified on the website.  I thought I typed the link in the OP but it doesn't look that way.
Now, maybe that is just a "caveat" for SmarterMail to avoid abuse???  If that's all it is, that's fine. However, I have no control over how many times a server is moved/upgraded by a customer from one OS to another, or how many times a server crashes.  It could crash MORE than twice per year.  It could crash once and require two OS reloads.  It could even NEVER crash and NEVER need a reload.  I just reloaded one and to think that at that point, I've used up half the license...doesn't seem right to me.
Now, hopefully, like I'm saying this is just a caveat SmarterMail writes in for the person who is literally resetting the license twice per month or some kind of outrageous behavior?
....  Or, maybe I misunderstood what I read?  I'm hoping. 
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Just to give some more information on this..

The license activation limits are put in place as a security measure in case your license key and login credentials are ever compromised. You can activate a license key twice before needing to manually reset these limits in My Account (account.smartertools.com). Alternatively, you can contact the Sales team and they can assist with the reset as Emily did for you this time.

Here's some more info on this: http://portal.smartertools.com/kb/a2949/reset-license-activation-limit.aspx

Hope that helps clear things up!
Employee Replied
Employee Post
We do not put a limit on how many times you can reset the activations on the license,  Can you provide the link where you read this?  If I know specifically what you read I may be able to clarify things better for you.
Michael Barber Replied
Well that really is all that I need to know. I'm fine with just having misunderstood whatever I read.

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