Feature Request: Domain Shared Calendars Published to Outlook
Idea shared by John Gurhy - 11/13/2014 at 8:29 AM
In a future version of Smarter Mail it would be great if it was possible to publish using "add to Outlook" for Domain Shared Calendars

9 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi John,
Thanks for the suggestion! I do see the benefit in the domain shared calendar having the ability to be shared to Outlook. I'm not sure about the development plans for this as I'm not in that department, but I just wanted to make you aware of a workaround that can be used to accomplish similar functionality. If you have a spare mailbox that you can use, create a user to be used only for the calendar. You can then use the Shared Resources feature to share this out to all of the users on that domain. When your users attach this calendar they can then use the Add to Outlook functionality.
Hope this helps! 
I second and third this nomination ...
Not only would domain calendars being used on Outlook be helpful, but having a way for Admins to automatically attach them to accounts and then send account holders the link to install would be beneficial. Trying to explain to your entire office (and remote offices) how to do this is rarely successful initially.
Aside from that, I'm not sure why they bother with domain calendars if they can't be shared via Outlook, since web interfaces are not used by default - usually only as a "perk" or when they are away from the office or home. The mail server is direct linked to a client usually.
I 4th this nomination. I have a few new customers who are asking for this option !!
Yes, this would be a really good feature to have as many customers would like lets say have vacation planning in a central place.
We need some Exchange features to help get some of the bigger accounts out there....
Dito. I was asked fo this several times. This would be a great feature.
I agree this is a much needed feature, as this is available in competitor products specifically exchange and many clients use outlook as their preferred client of choice.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hello everyone,
Thank you for your participation on this thread! I am happy to report that this functionality is planned for a future version of SmarterMail. I don't have more details at this time, but please stay tuned! 
Is there an update on when this functionality will be released, also will it include being able to sync with the Global Address List (GAL)?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Add to Outlook (SharePoint calendars) is a deprecated technology that Microsoft is no longer supporting. We have several tickets open them with concerning many of the issues our customers have had when using Add to Outlook. To address this, we are actively implementing the MAPI protocol in SmarterMail 17 which will fix a lot of the syncing issues with Outlook.  We are tentatively scheduled for an end of Q1 beta release to the public.

As of our release of MAPI, this has been marked as "Completed".

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