CalDAV/CardDAV not working in SM 13 Enterprise - WebDAV folder missing
Problem reported by Marco Nylund - 11/12/2014 at 12:04 AM
For some reason we can not get CalDAV/CardDAV working with Smarter Mail 13 Enterprise.
We have all SRV records configured accordingly we have EWS and EAS licenses in use, but can not get the it working. We are missing a WebDAV folder in SmarterMail wwwroot -folder.
When trying to connect to CalDAV using iCal (Maverics or iPhone) we get an error that Calendar home is not set.

33 Replies

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Kevin McNally Replied
I am having the same issue on Yosemite with iCAL after upgrading to version 13.
Kevin McNally Replied
There error I am getting in iCAL is "The server specified and invalid calendar home".

I am also not able to set this up on my iPhone. I use the Advanced Settings and it just doesn't verify with SSL even thought we have SSL installed for the domain.

I then tried without SSL and it still wouldn't verify.

Maybe someone has had a similar problem?
Nicolas Le Merle Replied
I am having the same issue, what is the outcome here has anyone from SmarterTool responded to you ?
Kevin McNally Replied
They did and we tried to work though it with no success. I finally gave up.
Allan Jones Replied
I have a similar problem but think I am a little further on.
I am running SmarterMail on IIS8 and have installed WebDAV using the "Installing WebDAV on IIS 8.0 and IIS 8.5" section of http://www.iis.net/learn/install/installing-publishing-technologies/installing-and-configuring-webdav-on-iis.
My question is, do I enable WebDAV using "Enabling WebDAV Publishing by Using IIS Manager" (instructions on the same page) in the Default Web Site or in the SmarterMail Site? If on the SM site I presume I would use the same port as I do to get emails to the iPhone?
Any help appreciated.
Nicolas Le Merle Replied
Is someone from SmarterTools ever going to respond to this !!??
Employee Replied
Employee Post
This has been added to our bugs list.  It should be fixed in the next minor release.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Today, we have released SmarterMail 13.2.  It fixes the CalDAV calendar-home-set issue.
csoft Replied
Is there any info on how to fix this manually for SmarterMail 12 - we are having a problem too.
Steve Reid Replied
I don't think it can be fixed manually... I would suggest upgrading.
csoft Replied
Actually got it working - seems our Application Pool was set to classic not integrated in IIS - which fixed the problem.
Nicolas Le Merle Replied
Hi, I have just updated my SM server and the WebDAV folder is still missing! :( When trying to configure CalDav on my iPad it just jeeps failing
Rishikesh Somshetti Replied
I have SM Server 10.x, 12.x, and the latest 13.3 but I tried to configure CalDav in thunderbird mail client but no option getting to sync calender, Task & Address book accepted EAS.
So please suggest any one if you have any idea for the sync calender, Task & Address book with thunderbird and mobile application with configuring IMAP account.
D Mishra
NetGains Technologies Pvt Ltd
Regards, NetGains Support Team NetGains Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Making iT Simple Help Desk: +91-22 - 6139 7100 Website : www.netgainstechnologies.com
Jonathan Hamel Replied
CalDav seems to be fixed but CardDav (Contacts.app) doesn't work for me.
Adding the account doesn't return any errors but once configured, the contacts are loading indefinitely (no contacts shown).
My configuration :
SmarterMail Enterprise Edition
Version 13.4.5598
OS X Yosemite 10.10.3
Thank you.
Nicolas Le Merle Replied
I personally gave up on this CalDav / CardDav nonsense it never works as expected and just purchased the active sync licence.
Merle Wait Replied
I'll carry my little crusade everywhere.....    We can't give up on CardDav  or hopefully the ability to directly update contacts via API or SOAP.    We have can't migrate our largest customer to smartermail ... because on our current email system.. we can actually add the contacts (= in this case new sales) - directly into the contact listing.
If I had some way of interfacing that would be different... but I don't know how I could get a program on a server to fake being an Active Sync device.    Any suggestions are welcomed
Paul Blank Replied
From the SM Landing Page:
Enjoy full collaboration features and synchronize your email, contacts, calendars, tasks and notes with desktop email clients like Microsoft Outlook 13, Windows 8 Mail, Apple Mail, eM Client and Mozilla Thunderbird. Users can also sync the latest Apple, Android and Windows phones and tablets via technologies such as Exchange Web Services, Exchange ActiveSync, CalDAV, CardDAV and more.
Comments, ST (please)?
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
I was able to synchronize contacts through CardDAV on Yosemite 10.10.3 with the latest SmarterMail.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Jonathan Hamel Replied

Could you post a screenshot of your configuration settings please?


Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
Which configuration settings do you want to see?
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Jonathan Hamel Replied
Pretty much all the steps when adding a CardDAV account. Are you doing it from Contacts.app or from the Settings / Account view?
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
I go to Settings > Internet Accounts
Add a CardDAV account.
Set it to manual if it gives you the option.
User: domain@st13.com (a fake domain I use for testing)
Pass: (the password)
Server Address: (my test enviroment)
another example would be http://mail.smartertools.com/webdav/
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Lyle Hancock Replied
Hello Matt,

What is the "latest SmarterMail" version so that I may verify on my end. Thanks.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
13.4.5603 Came out 5/7/2015
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Joe Burkhead Replied
Old thread, but I am fighting this battle too.
Where is this WebDAV folder located? I cannot find it anywhere. I'm on version 14.0.5661.
Some of our users find the webmail interface to be too lacking. For instance, we get emails often with a link to "add to calendar"...and of course that doesn't work with webmail. Trying to use Thunderbird's calendar, but that requires a functional WebDAV. But the WebDAV folder cannot be found.
Any help?
Michael McCrae Replied
Throw in another frustrated user. I'm using SME 12.0.5178. Hopefully someone will post a fix for this. I'm currently not able to upgrade. Surely there must be a fix to this.
Michael McCrae Replied
csoft, Can you post how to fix the application pool and if you had the missing folders that others are speaking of?
csoft Replied
Go into IIS > Application Pools > SmarterMail > Basic Settings > choose Integrated if in Classic

This fixed my issue which may be different than other ones.
Michael McCrae Replied
I don't see that option, but I think I've found the root of my issue. I'm still on Server 2003. I probably am Classic. Plus from what I've read, WebDAV can only be installed on IIS 7 or higher, so yah that's probably my problem.
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
Thunderbirds (Lightning's) support of WebDAV is the most limited implementation of WebDAV, I have ever experienced. They don't support multiple calendars and they don't support calendar auto-discovery either. You need to link Thunderbird to CalDav directly using the calendar URL: http://example.org/WebDAV/cal/default/
Only the default calendar will work.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
Any other WebDAV/CalDAV Client I've come across so far you can use the regular link http://example.org/WebDAV/ or even http://example.org/ sometimes and that will point them to the calendars.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Joe Burkhead Replied
My problem seems to be that even after installing WebDAV in IIS 7, and following the MS instructions on enabling it and publishing it, there is no WebDAV folder that appears in my SmarterMail website. Since you and others seem to indicate that you have had it working, how do I get the WebDAV folder to be created. MS does not give instructions on implementing with third party software. But I cannot find anything in the Community or in the Knowledge base on this either. Please help.

Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
There is no WebDAV folder, it's handled through bindings internally.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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