SmarterMail 13 and helm 3
Problem reported by Reis Junior - 11/4/2014 at 12:57 PM
I wonder why the SmarterMail 13 does not work with helm 3?
Thank you.

14 Replies

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Employee Replied
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The web services have not been overhauled in version 13 which is what HELM should be using to make the changes to your SM environment. The calls should still be compatible unless HELM3 is using old deprecated SmarterMail web service calls.
I would recommend reaching out on the Parallels forums to see if anyone else is having this issue, and if so, they may have a resolution for you.
Reis Junior Replied
Everything works with SmarterMail 12.5
Unfortunately I have not found answers to the Parallels
With SmarterMail 13 and helm 3, works partially.
I can not change password or create an email account. But I can delete an email account.

I thought the problem might be with: Depricated: AddUser, GetUserForwardingInfo, UpdateUser, UpdateUserForwardingInfo
But it seems the webservice still exists in SmarterMail 13:

It may be a bug in the api?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Reis,
I just tested the AddUser method with SmarterMail 13 using software called Storm.  From what I'm seeing, this API call is working as expected, and I'm able to use it to create new domain users.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Reis, my colleague and I just tested the UpdateUser and AddUser. User creation and password modification were successful using Storm so the API is functioning as expected.

At this point I'm not sure why this would be failing without reviewing logs and performing API calls directly against your environment.

I'd recommend reaching out on the HELM forums to see if any one else has ran into this issue and has a valid workaround or fix.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
We did have one other customer report an error using their own custom code. This could have an effect on the call the HELM is trying to utilize. 
Could I have you upgrade your 13 installation with the following custom build: http://www.smartertools.com/Downloads/SmarterMail/CustomBuilds/13.0.5422.18038/SmarterMail13_Setup.exe
Let me know if this works out for you.
Reis Junior Replied
That's perfect. Now it works very well.
Thank you.
Webio Replied
I'm just adding 5 cents from my end. WebsitePanel SmarterMail 10+ provider (provided as far as I remember by SmarterTools) is also not working with SmarterMail 13.

Does this update can fix this problem too?
Webio Replied
Ok. I can confirm that this has also fixed issue with WebsitePanel
Chris Danks Replied
This also fixed the same issue with Enkompass. Will this fix stay in future versions ie 13.1?
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Yes. I will be included in the next minor update.
Chris Daley Replied
Did SmarterTools actually test the API before release? The Helm 4 debug output actually showed the error received from the API was user not found when creating a new user using AddUser2. If you used the basic test input form provided by the .net web service you would receive an error 500 response. Looks like it wasn't tested properly before release. The custom build fixes the issue in Helm 4 and the basic text input method provided by the web service returns the correct output.

For those that don't know you can use the test form for adduser2 by going to http://yourmailserveraddress/Services/svcUserAdmin.asmx?op=AddUser2 it has to be done directly on the mail server very basic way of seeing if its working
Sham Kamboj Replied
Excellent ..!!

It works for me as well.

I was facing problem when creating new IDs & resetting password for old IDs via plesk with SM 13. But after installing this build its fixed now.

Thanks a lot.
ben allen Replied
I would like to know if this problem has now been resolved in future updates. I have installed the custom version of 13 and it fixed my issues with helm 3.2 . I would just like to know if that means we cannot up date in future or if this fix will be in the next updates??
Ben Allen
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Fixes that are distributed in custom builds are also put into future releases. You should be fine for future updates.

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