Domain Administrator Account - Custom Report Scheduling
Problem reported by Peter Liaros - 10/20/2014 at 8:43 PM
As a domain administrator, I am trying to schedule custom reports to be emailed to me weekly so I can monitor without having to log in all the time.
On a regular email account, you are able to create a custom user report and then set it up to be emailed.
As a system admin, the same can occur.
However, as a domain administrator, I am able to create the custom report, however, there is no option to email it.. HELP!

4 Replies

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Matt Petty Replied
Employee Post
What version of SmarterMail are you running and what type of license are you using?
I tried version 12.5 Professional and got no custom reports for system admin or domain admin because this feature is not part of the professional license.
When I tried version 13 Enterprise I got custom reporting with scheduled email reports on all types of accounts.
Matt Petty Software Developer SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Peter Liaros Replied
Version 13 Enterprise - Don't seem to have the emailing option here either.
David Jamell Replied
I upgraded from Version 13 Professional to Enterprise and I have Custom Reports BUT NO Scheduled Reports.
David Jamell Replied
Never mind, I figured out how it works. The interface behaves differently when logged in as a System Admin.

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