Can tickets be Pinned be default instead of Unpinned?
Idea shared by ASB Admins - 9/24/2014 at 9:10 AM
Is it possible for the system to be configured to Pin tickets by default instead of requiring users to manually Pin them?

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Derek Curtis Replied
Employee Post
Hi, Curts
I'm guessing you want to do this so that an agent always retains ownership of a ticket. While tickets can't be pinned by default, a possible solution to this - and one we use at SmarterTools - is to first set up some business hours and then simply don't have agents log out when they leave. That way, if an agent has tickets in process, they retain ownership of the ticket even if they're not in the office, like over a weekend or in the evenings. Having business hours set will keep your reports accurate so logging out isn't an essential task. The only time they'd need to log out would be if they were away from the office for an extended period of time, like if they go on holiday. 
I hope that helps. 
Derek Curtis COO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Hi Derek,
The reason I want to Pin tickets by default, is because if the ticket isn't pinned to an agent and a customer replies to their ticket, that ticket goes back into the queue as an unassigned ticket. Then if the queue is setup for round robin, the ticket often gets assigned to another agent. We would like to prevent this from happening.

OMG Please Please PLEASE make this an option. We have the same issue. If an Agent forgets to pin a ticket, the moment a reply comes in, the ticket goes right back into the queue. This is extremely frustrating. Would love to have an option to auto pin all tickets once assigned or taken (if cherry picking from queue).
________________________________ Ben Santiardo
User Replied
Hi Ben, I did a test for this and found out if the user is active for tickets in the group and is online, then it wont send it back to the queue. To make them active for tickets:

1.Click on the status dropdown in the management interface (between dashboard and help)
2. Click on "Active Groups"
3. Make sure that the departments you don't want to move away from you are checked.
4. Click save.

I believe there are ways to automatically go active and inactive for groups upon login/logoff as well. This setting is found in Groups-> My Group -> Agents Tab -> My Agent "Automatically go active for groups upon login" (is similar text)

Hopefully this will help some,

Thank you for the input. However, that doesn't help us in our situation. As you stated they need to be *online*. In our agency, once an Agent starts working on a ticket, they stay with the ticket unless it is manually transferred. So if the user logs out for the night (which they will, company policy), and a customer E-Mails a response after the person is no longer active in the system, it will be delegated back to the queue.

We do not want this behavior. We want to be able to have an option in the system that allows is to automatically pin a ticket to an agent when it is auto assigned and also when an agent manually takes a ticket from the queue.

This is the only behavior that truly makes sense for our agency. We are not asking for the entire system behavior to change, we are asking for an "option" that changes the behavior from it's default setting to a new behavior. Preferable, an option that is linked to each group, that way you can have one group that auto pins if needed and another that doesn't. This would give the greatest flexibility to your clients.

Alternatively, you can allow Agents to set their own preference, to auto pin tickets to themselves when getting assigned or taking tickets from queue. That would be the most flexible situation I believe...
____________________________________ Ben Santiardo, Senior Programmer Analyst Eastern Suffolk BOCES
User Replied
Hello Ben,
I see your point of view. I am going to change this thread to a feature request under consideration for future versions.
Thank you,
User Replied
I wanted to let you know with the next version there should be two new event actions to pin or unpin tickets on any of the ticket events. I am unsure when the next release will be but I hope it helps!
That's great! Thank you so much for giving us some sort of tool. I await the new feature eagerly to see how it works!

Thank you again Ashley for helping bring this about.
____________________________________ Ben Santiardo, Senior Programmer Analyst Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Ashley, I just took a look on the SmarterTrack v11 release note and I can't find any related release points on this. Is this still something which have been planned for v11 as you have said on your last response?
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Tweak, Ashley just posted that response three days ago, they haven't release a new version with the update yet.
____________________________________ Ben Santiardo, Senior Programmer Analyst Eastern Suffolk BOCES
oh boy I misread the last response by Ashley is on last year response. LOL!
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