Add support for Business Hours at the department level
Idea shared by Lance Rasmussen - 9/19/2014 at 2:14 PM
Not all departments in a company follow the same business hour logic.
As an example, our technical support hours are 10:00am to 4:00pm, however our sales hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm.  The reverse could be said for someone like AT&T where the small and corporate business department is 7am-6pm M-F, whereas the regular consumer department is 7am-11pm M-F with 7am to 1pm on Saturday.
I propose the ability to have a department level business hours to accommodate incoming chats to honor these different hours.

2 Replies

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Totally agree with this. We have offices in different time zones and countries. So this would allow us to automatically set chat functions on/off for that brand/country.
-- Art
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Hi Lance and Artur,
I apologize that there was no reply on this thread. Business hours were moved to the Brand and Department configuration settings in SmarterTrack 11.x. 

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