Custom Fields Bugs/Problems
Problem reported by Elias Younes - 9/9/2014 at 7:17 PM
Dear Support, here's a list of Custom Fields Issues that need to be fixed:
- Date & Time Field is not Pulling a Calendar and format (Very Important)
- When filling custom fields and saving them and going back to the communication Tab, the Body stops accepting information, and the work around is to click (more then less button) for the cursor to be able to work again

- Sometimes the Custom fields filled, has to be entered several times for the system to keep them (They turn blank and need refilling, especially with the Drop Down Menu) Really would be great doing some testing for all the custom fields features, there are some problems you will find once you test this...

- When using the Show on Communication View, the Custom fields doesn't act properly, sometimes the values disappear on the communication view or vice versa... Its buggy, so I had to Disable this Feature

- The Save button for the Custom Fields is very tricky, sometimes the Agents thinks they Saved the icket or Call Log, but they actually only saved the Custom Fields, and they still need to click save and send, or save for the call log, other wise they might loose the information (Some thing needs to be done to this area to make it better)

- When adding a lot of custom fields on the Call Log section, there's is no Scroll bar and this makes the save button to be hidden and some of the fields to not be easily editable, (I Have to use shortcuts, like TAB or Ctrl (-) to be able to see the rest of the fields...)
Please would be great to revisit the whole Custom Field area
God Bless

9 Replies

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Sergio Zozulenko Replied
We have run into all these issues with Custom Fields.
If you put custom fields into the communications view, we also found, changing the values from there does not create or add the values. When you try to save, it will warn you that required fields still haven't been filled in. Going to the Custom Fields Tab confirms this by showing all default values.
Custom Fields in general are very buggy and are reported well in your post. Custom Fields are the base standard of any ticket system and it is extremely worrying about the stability of this product if the basics are in this bad a shape.
Mike Galusha Replied
We upgraded to latest version last evening.  The Take / Compose / Custom Fields blank screen issues are affecting us in Firefox, but not in IE or Chrome.   Is this still a known issue, or should I start a new thread to get visibility on this issue?

I can explain more in depth if need be.
Sergio Zozulenko Replied
Kinda curious how there hasn't been a reply to this thread from a SmarterTools representative. These issues he brought up are completely reproducible and have been a headache to deal with since fully switching over to SmarterTrack.
These are definite bugs in the software that affects it's core usage and should at least have some acknowledgement from the staff. I have a 4 month old ticket dealing with one of these issues and still haven't gotten it fixed, even after 3 or 4 updates.
Can someone please confirm these issues are known, not known, can't reproduce, need more info, something?
Edit: At least the one issue I reported in my ticket with the scroll bars has been fixed in the last update. Nothing on the rest however.
Elias Younes Replied
This is a very imporant Issue that needs to be fixed with the custom field... I know Smarter Track fixed the Scroll Bar already, but more is needed
God Bless Elias
Steve Reid Replied
If you want the fastest response then I'm curious as to why you didn't already open a support ticket?
Sergio Zozulenko Replied
"fastest response". I have a ticket open since August about issues with custom fields. The devs have yet to get to it. It's pretty discouraging at this point and we don't expect attention to be brought to it since we're going on almost 4 months now of having that ticket open.
Elias Younes Replied
I also filled a Ticket long time ago, and was confirmed as a bug and I am still waiting for a fix
God Bless Elias
Sergio Zozulenko Replied
Just thought I'd just update this thread with a "still waiting" going on 5 months now.
Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
We apologize for the delays but we resolved several complicated issues.  Sometimes the smallest, and what seem to be the easiest, bugs to resolve are the most complicated.  Today, we released a minor that resolves most of the issues raised. It required a rewrite of custom fields which was a significant project and required a lot of testing.... which is something we don't like to do in minor releases.  Custom Fields worked 98% of the time but there were strange timing issues that occurred more frequently for some depending on the browser, computer etc.   Please install the new minor release and let us know how things go!  If you find an issue or something is not resolved, please start a topic specifically for that issue.
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com

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