moving email folders
Question asked by Robbie Wright - 9/5/2014 at 2:22 PM
Is there a way to do it? Not built into the web ui it seems.

5 Replies

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Joe Wolf Replied
In the webmail system you would have to create the new folder where you want it then copy the messages to that folder.
Thanks, -Joe
Steve Reid Replied
Are you referring to the entire mail storage or folders within an account?
Robbie Wright Replied
Marked As Answer
Joe is correct above, you have to move individual mail items to a new folder. I was looking for an option (within an account in the web ui) to move the entire folder to a different folder rather than having to select all emails and move them.
Steve Reid Replied
Rename folder may be able to accomplish what you need as well.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
Rename folder may be able to accomplish what you need as well.
When you rename a folder, it will popup a window with three fields: parent, old name, new folder name.  The parent drop down is where you should be able to select the new parent folder.

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