Filter Blank User Agents and Referrals from Demographics?
Question asked by Andy Schmidt - 3/19/2015 at 6:16 AM
When I look at my "Default Filter" in v10 it will claim "Filters = 2", but the dialogue has NOTHING in "included",  NOTHING in "excluded", just the "Mark as default filter set" checkbox checked:
Default Filter Picture - on Google Drive
Default Filter Picture on OneDrive
The above two Pictures attempts using Google Drive and OneDrive. Neither will work for this forum. This is becoming wayyyy to much work - so here the link to the picture:
So WHERE are those 2 Filters in this "set"?
When I look at the XML file, it looks like this:
      <Name>Default Clean-Up</Name>
After trying to remember REALLY hard what I might have set up years ago, I came across THIS feature in v8:
Filter out blank user agents from demographic reports - Check this box to exclude blank user agents from demographic report statistics. Filtering out blank user agents is another method users can use to gather stats on real website visitors, as blank user agents often indicate an automated script or bot.
Filter out blank referrers from referral reports - Check this box to remove the No Referrer row in reports that include stats on referrers.
which I had probably would have made my "Default Filter".
Apparently, at some point, those two check boxes were removed from the Filter Sets dialog?
So this opens a bunch of questions/concerns:
a) HOW do I now clean up my demographics reports so that referrers ONLY report "real" referrers?
b) Short of editing XML files in Notepad, how do I get right of two "invisible" filters if one can no longer "uncheck" those boxes? I would expect the software to "ignore" those filters if they no longer exist, or to automatically remove them when that filter set is updated by the user?
c) Are those two "invisible" filters still doing something, even if they were removed from the dialogue?

3 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post
I'm not able to help with your post but I just wanted to let you know that you can actually post screenshots in your thread. The image will need to be hosted online and you can use the Image button in the WYSIWYG toolbar. When expanded, this is the square icon next to the hyperlink buttons. If you hover over the icons momentarily it'll pop up the name of the icon so you know what it will do.
Andy Schmidt Replied
Andrea, thanks. I actually had seen that image function, but since it required hosting elsewhere, and because this forum had prevented me previously from posting a "link", even to another post on this forum itself, I had wrongly assumed that certainly an external picture URL would also be rejected. Thanks for pointing it out - that's good to know.
Andy Schmidt Replied
Ha, actually, like any "average" user I tried using my two free cloud accounts - OneDrive and Google Drive. Both allow me to share picture links (which in reality a links to their gallery page). Neither are supported by this forum. So, for someone who JUST wants to post a product screen shot this is turning into WAYYYY to big of a project to bother. Now I need to figure out how/where to post that screenshot permanently on a web hosting account, just so that it can appear on this forum...

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