Reminder to play for FREE SmarterTools prizes!
Idea shared by Employee - 3/13/2015 at 3:53 PM
Employee Post
Last week, SmarterTools sent out an email to customers* to play for FREE prizes as a "THANKS!" for 12 incredible years! Some prizes have already been won, but there are more available - over $10,000 in SmarterTools licenses, electronics and fun! 
If you didn't receive the email with all of the information, please contact our sales team by emailing sales@smartertools.com. You can also start a live chat or call us at 877-357-6278. 
To start playing, download TapFoo from the App Store or Google Play Store. You can follow the links from your mobile device or do a search for "TapFoo". Then follow these steps to join the Private Game:
  1. Once you start TapFoo, TAP on the Player Icon in the lower left corner of the screen, which will bring you to the menu.
  2. TAP on the PRIVATE GAMES button.
  3. Enter the Invitation Code and TAP the REQUEST button. 
  4. Enter your SmarterTools account email address and TAP SEND REQUEST.
  5. That's it! Your exclusive SmarterTools prizes will be added to the prize list. 
Prizes will continue to be added to the game as others are won. Have fun! And again, thank you for your support! 
App Store Google Play Store
*TapFoo is currently available in the U.S. only. Prizes that have been won will ship to U.S. addresses only. International games for SmarterTools customers will be available in the future.

3 Replies

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Way to dis Canada
Employee Replied
Employee Post
As we're based in the U.S., it's easier for us to follow and comply with U.S. tax laws regarding the winning of prizes and gifts. International tax laws are generally different. Then there is the shipping issue...as we mentioned, international games will be available in the future and we'll be sure to include Canada.
As Smartertools licenses are digital I wouldn't think shipping would be a problem. But oh well I guess all us "other" countries just have to wait.

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