So several users on the same domain receive email from a domain. The message in a couple of users accounts will be text only. Even when you click the "view" button in the email itself, the option for HTML is missing. So when I look at the email in and are both copied on on a message from has a "normal" copy of the message. has a "text only" copy of the message.
looking at the header of the messages the only difference was the user has as a trusted sender. So I made XYZ,com a trusted sender for the entire domain. The results are the same. The only difference in any of the accounts is has active sync enabled, and it says outlook15. The other user, has active sync with an iPhone, not with outlook.
Active sync is enable obviously at the server level.
The "webmail" "display settings" on all the user and domain level are set to HTML.
I am pretty sure this is related to active sync, but do not know why? and do not know how to fix? Anyone have any suggestions, google was no help.
Remember kids, every time a spam message gets blocked, a nerd gets their glasses. spamhurts/July 15