SM Chat Everywhere
Idea shared by Michael Lewis - 2/22/2015 at 9:51 PM
I would like to see the chat function extended to other ST SM systems without having to use an external chat client.
1. System admin would enable / disable for their servers.
2. If enabled, the SA would provide a token for the other SA to enter on their system. This only activates the ability to chat between the servers.
3. SA would then enable/disable function for each domain
4. Domain admins would enter a list of other domains allowed to chat with their users in a separate area. Each DA would have to place the domain.com name in the list on each side for it to work.
5. User would simply add the contact as normal, if the domain is in the list -  the chat function would be extended to that contact.
My Other suggestions: http://bit.ly/segoideas

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