Embeded chat window and web sockets for a much better user experience
Idea shared by adam.saunders - 12/3/2013 at 10:14 AM
I've been trying out the web chat for a few days and there are so many issues with having a floating window and polled responses.
It's taking too long for the chat to respond so its hard to know if you are responding to someone that is or isn't there. This isn't a major issue, but can get to a point of frustration when mixed with the floating window with the client.
I have less technically savvy clients that can't find the window once they click on the main website to change location etc. Essepcially on Windows 7 and 8 it hides behind the other on the start menu. When they click on the chat link again, it starts the chat all over. I end up with multiple conversations with the same person.
SmarterTrack Chat has a huge potential, why can't it be embedded into the website and use web sockets for more efficient and instant communications?

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it starts the chat all over. I end up with multiple conversations with the same person.
Well, just installed v12 this weekend and it Chat now has the option to be embedded, so it remains within the main website and not as a separate window.
-- Art
Well, just installed v12 this weekend and it Chat now has the option to be embedded, so it remains within the main website and not as a separate window.
I guess this suggestion can be closed now, as it exists in latest version (v12) of SmarterTrack.
-- Art

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