SmarterMail 4 on 64 bit Windows Web Server?
Problem reported by Dan Morris - 1/17/2015 at 8:06 PM
I'm trying to upgrade an old mail server that's running SM 4.3 on a 32 bit Windows 2003 Server Webhost Edition. I want to move all the mail accounts over to a new server running SM 12 or 13 on 64 bit Windows web server 2008. I have been told that SmarterMail has no migration tools for going from an old version to a new version. I have to install the old version on the new server, move the accounts and then do an upgrade to the new version. 
The problem I'm having is after I install SM 4 on the new Win 2008 server and test it (before moving any accounts), I cannot receive mail. I can send it, but all incoming mail is rejected. Yes, I have the MX records set up. If I do a port scan on the machine's IP, it shows all the mail ports are closed. I have totally disabled Windows firewall and have all mail ports open on my network's firewall. 
I'm wondering if this is just a case of SM 4 not being compatible with 64 bit Windows.
As a test, I added the Windows SMTP Server Role in the Server Manager and scanned the ports again. After I installed that, port 25 showed it was open. So, I know it's not a firewall issue.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I've been pulling my hair out on this one for quite some time.

13 Replies

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Bruce Barnes Replied
If you post your domain name, we can test using external tools and assist you bette.
Bruce Barnes ChicagoNetTech Inc brucecnt@comcast.net Phonr: (773) 491-9019 Phone: (224) 444-0169 E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist Network Security Specialist Customer Service Portal: https://portal.chicagonettech.com Website: https://www.ChicagoNetTech.com Security Blog: http://networkbastion.blogspot.com/ Web and E-Mail Hosting, E-Mail Security and Consulting
Dan Morris Replied
Well, I'm not sure what happened but I've got the ports open and I'm receiving mail now. This is about the 6th time I uninstalled and reinstalled SM4. This time it worked. The only difference this time was I had just put the server back behind the firewall and changed the IP back after testing it outside the firewall with a public IP to make sure it definitely wasn't a firewall problem.
Dan Morris Replied
Ok, the new server was receiving mail just fine up until I moved the .dat and .xml files over from the old server and restarted it. I'm following the migration instructions here http://portal.smartertools.com/kb/a2724/migrate-smartermail-to-a-different-server.aspx
Immediately after copying the files over from the old server and restarting, I ran a port scan and all mail ports were not responding. I can get to the admin panel and log in, no problem. I can send mail, but not receive, as if SM 4 is installed and running but it's not listening on the mail ports.
Now, on the old Windows 2003 server, the path to SmarterMail is C:\Program Files\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\ on the new Windows 2008 64 bit server the path is C:\Program Files (x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\. Does the reference to the Program Files folder need to be adjusted anywhere for SmarterMail to work? I opened the mailConfig.xml file and don't see any reference to this folder.
Dan Morris Replied
mail2.olcx.net. Thank you. Please see my latest reply. It was working until I copied the SM xml and dat files from the old server.
Bruce Barnes Replied
When you move the date files from one server to another:
  • either the PATHS on the new server must be IDENTICAL to those of the old server, or;
  • you must adjust the settings to reflect the new paths.
It's always easier to setup the same paths as the old server when moving to a new server.
Bruce Barnes ChicagoNetTech Inc brucecnt@comcast.net Phonr: (773) 491-9019 Phone: (224) 444-0169 E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist Network Security Specialist Customer Service Portal: https://portal.chicagonettech.com Website: https://www.ChicagoNetTech.com Security Blog: http://networkbastion.blogspot.com/ Web and E-Mail Hosting, E-Mail Security and Consulting
Dan Morris Replied
Thanks Bruce. So if I uninstall SM4 and reinstall it and set the installation path to C:\Program Files\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\, as if it was a 64 bit program, will it run? Is there any real difference between those folders that will prevent a 32 bit program from running?
Bruce Barnes Replied

If you uninstall, make certain to REBOOT, before you reinstall.  This will unlock any locked files.
Then move your transferred data to the SAME LOCATIONS as it was on the old server.
Pay close attention to this section:

Applies to All Versions of SmarterMail

Follow this steps to migrate a SmarterMail installation to a different server:

  1. Install SmarterMail on the new server and follow the instructions for setting up IIS if you plan on using it instead of the SmarterMail Web server.
  2. Stop the SmarterMail Service on both servers.
  3. Copy all .xml and .dat files from the Service directory of your install path from your old server to your new one. By default that path will be C:\Program Files (x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\Service. Note that mailConfig.xml and domainList.xml are the only files absolutely required to be copied over.
  4. Copy all domains folders from their directory on the older server to the same directory on the new server. By default the path domains are stored in is C:\SmarterMail\Domains
  5. Start the SmarterMail service on the new server.
  6. Log in and re-activate the software on the new server.
  7. If you change the path to your domains, you would need to edit your domainList.xml file accordingly to reflect the new paths.
  8. If your IP address or other DNS info changes, update the corresponding setting in SmarterMail and restart the SmarterMail Service (or reboot the server) to make the change effective.

NOTE: These steps assume that the domain data is stored in the default C:\SmarterMail\Domains directory and that the product is installed in the default location.

Hope this helps to clarify the instructions and makes you move go better.
Bruce Barnes ChicagoNetTech Inc brucecnt@comcast.net Phonr: (773) 491-9019 Phone: (224) 444-0169 E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist Network Security Specialist Customer Service Portal: https://portal.chicagonettech.com Website: https://www.ChicagoNetTech.com Security Blog: http://networkbastion.blogspot.com/ Web and E-Mail Hosting, E-Mail Security and Consulting
Dan Morris Replied
The C:\SmarterMail\Domains folder is not the issue. All the domain files, mailboxes, etc. are installed there and I'm copying the old domain folders to that location. The problem seems to be the 64 bit version of Windows installing all 32 bit programs into the C:\Program Files (x86)\ folder instead of the C:\Program Files\ folder like on the Windows 2003 server.
I have uninstalled SM4, deleted the files from the C:\Program Files (x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\ folder, deleted all SmarterMail registry entries that referenced the (x86) folder and rebooted. I did a fresh install of SM4 and adjusted the installation path to C:\Program Files\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\ , However, after the install completes, I check the folders and find that Windows has still installed it in the (x86) folder. So, therefore, the path will never be identical to the old server.
I can't believe I'm the first person that's had an issue with moving an existing SmarterMail installation from a 32 bit to 64 bit Windows server. Has anyone else had this problem and overcome it?
Bruce Barnes Replied
One of the issues you are having problems with is the fact that SmarterMail made changes to the MAILBOX DATA PATH when they created SmarterMail 7.X. 
While this is an inconvenience, it is not insurmountable, and, if you follow the instructions below, you should be able to resolve your issues.
In order to make certain SmarterMail is installed properly on the NEW SERVER, please uninstall SmarterMail from the NEW server; REBOOT, to unlock any corrupted files; and REINSTALL the most recent version of SmarterMail 13.X, which can be downloaded here: 

You may also want to download, and install, the TRANSLATION PACKAGE, which is located here:
Don't forget to properly configure .NET 4.X, and install ALL of the Microsoft security patches, both AUTOMATIC and ELECTIVE; and for both your server operating system, and the .NET SERVICE PACKS and security upgrades.  Note that  major security patches for .NET 4.5 were just last week and must be installed if you want to be completely protected.
Once you have downloaded, and installed, those two items, you are ready to proceed to complete the move of your date from the old server to the new server.
  1. Install SmarterMail on the  NEW server.
  2. DISABLE the SmarterMail web server and setup IIS
  3. Setup IIS on the new SmarterMail server:

    NOTE: the SmarterMail WEB service should be DISABLED, and SmarterMail should be running under IIS.

    Here are the links to the SmarterTools KB articles for setting up IIS:

     - Set up SmarterMail as an IIS Site (IIS 7.0/7.5)

     - Set up SmarterMail as an IIS Site in IIS 8

  4. Configure the appropriate PORTS, PORT to IP ADDRESS, and HOST to IP ADDRESS mappings in the CONFIGURATION area of your NEW version of SmarterMail.    This will be a brand new setting for you.

    These settings are located under SETTINGS ===> PORTS, IP ADDRESSES and BINDINGS:

    NOTE that the PORT BINDINGS shown below include SSL/TLS.  If you do not have SSL/TLS configured, those ports can be omitted:

    Here is the IP ADDRESS to PORT MAPPING SCREEN.  If you have a direct, public IP address, you will map to that.  If you have a NATTED address, which maps to a PUBLIC, STATIC, IP address, you will map to the NATTED IP address:

    Here are the actual, one-to-one, mappings. 

    Your SERVERNAME will be the name FULLY QUALIFIED DOMAIN NAME of the SERVER which sends all of your SmarterMail traffic.  It must have an "A" or HOST RECORD in DNS, it must have an rDNS mapping of the FQDN to the PUBLIC, STATIC, IP ADDRESS; and it must also have an MX record.


     - If you do NOT use SSL/TLS, then select the NON SSL/TLS port.

     - If you run SSL/TLS, then select the TLS or SSL port, as appropriate.  The secure protocol negotiation will auto-downgrade, as appropriate, for the security protocol.

     - PORT 587 is MANDATED by the IETF as the OFFICIAL ALTERNATE SMTP port and MUST be built and mapped on all MX servers.


  5. LICENSE the NEW VERSION - you will be allowed to have both licenses running for 30 days without any problems.
  6. Change the DNS information, in your DNS HOSTS, for your HOSTED DOMAIN(S) so it points to the IP ADDRESS(ES) assigned to your new server.
  7. STOP the SMARTERMAIL SERVICE and SMARTERMAIL WEB SERVICES on BOTH SERVERS.  This is very important.  If you do not stop the services on both servers, some files will be LOCKED and may not properly copy.

  8. COPY the all of the .xml and .dat files from the Service directory from your old server to your new server. 

    These will be found on the OLD server in the directory located at: 

     - FROM: OLD server's path will be C:\Program Files\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\Service.

     - TO: NEW server's path will be C:\Program Files (x86)\SmarterTools\SmarterMail\Service

  9. COPY all of the USER and other data from:

     - C:\SMARTERMAIL directory on the OLD SERVER, to;

     - C:\SMARTERMAIL directory on the NEW server

  10. DOWNLOAD and RUN the SmarterMail PATH CONVERSATION utility to convert the USER data from the PRE SMARTERMAIL 7 path configuration to the new path configuration, used by SmarterMail 7 and beyond.
If you want, you can always as someone to assist you in this server to server / 32-to-64 bit server upgrade.  It won't be free, but it will probably help you to accomplish your intended goal without too much more beating your head against a wall.

Bruce Barnes ChicagoNetTech Inc brucecnt@comcast.net Phonr: (773) 491-9019 Phone: (224) 444-0169 E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist Network Security Specialist Customer Service Portal: https://portal.chicagonettech.com Website: https://www.ChicagoNetTech.com Security Blog: http://networkbastion.blogspot.com/ Web and E-Mail Hosting, E-Mail Security and Consulting
David Fisher Replied
  From what I heard you cannot go straight from 4.x to 13.x, only 8.x to 13.x is supported, you have to upgrade to v7.x first.
   Usually upgrading to v7.x on the old server is recommended first.
   Read the comments people wrote :
Bruce Barnes Replied
There is a utility which can be run after doing an upgrade that is higher than 7.X, but I'm having a really hard time locating it.
SmarterTools developed the tool because of the user/mailbox data path change.
If anyone knows of the link to download it, please post it here so I can edit my post and append the link.
Bruce Barnes ChicagoNetTech Inc brucecnt@comcast.net Phonr: (773) 491-9019 Phone: (224) 444-0169 E-Mail and DNS Security Specialist Network Security Specialist Customer Service Portal: https://portal.chicagonettech.com Website: https://www.ChicagoNetTech.com Security Blog: http://networkbastion.blogspot.com/ Web and E-Mail Hosting, E-Mail Security and Consulting
Dan Morris Replied
Thanks Bruce for posting all this!
Jim Miles Replied
I was having the same issue but figured it out for my setup. It's was the last step of the migration list that did it for me...
If your IP address or other DNS info changes, update the corresponding setting in SmarterMail and restart the SmarterMail Service (or reboot the server) to make the change effective.
I went through the installation process 3 times and kept fiddling with the firewall until I just happened to change the IP address in SM. I was thinking SM 4 wouldn't work on Windows 2016, but it does. After copying the XML and domains over, just had to fire it up and change the IP address in the main settings PLUS the IP for each domain's settings. This causes SM to bind to an IP and actually listen on the ports. Until then it does nothing if the IP is invalid/old.
Didn't actually realize it until the 2nd migration test to SM 16 (going to 7 first) and playing with the bindings settings in SM 16. Once it binded to a valid IP/port everything started to work. Then figured I can just change the IP in SM 4 and see what happens and it worked!
Now I'm going to move my live mail over tonight to the new server with Windows 16 and SM 4, then upgrade to SM16 at a later time so I'm not crunched for time.
Hope it helps someone else. I might be the last holdout on Windows Server 2003/SM 4... lol

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