Can't Get ActiveSync Working
Question asked by Jon Berry - 7/1/2014 at 10:18 AM
I have isntalled smaretermail 12 as a trial and I have enabled the activesync and EWS demos as well.  I created a domain, and added an account and added that account as an activesyn account.
I cannot add the account via Outlook 2013 or on my iOS device.
Is there a detailed howto on this somewhere?  I can't find anything that i have overlooked.

5 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
We do have two knowledge base articles on how to set up EAS on Outlook 2013 and iOS:
Emma Andrews Replied
I have SmarterMail 11.7  and tried to get the webmail through Gmail which resulted in all mail disappearing from my webmail - which is fine. 
I then tried 8 times to add the account to my iPhone and whatever I do, it's not accepting the set up. I've followed the trouble shooting re SSL and changing the port number however whatever I do, I cannot get the settings to be accept on iPhone and so I'm stuck. I need to transfer the emails back to the webmail and the only way I can think to do it, is via iPhone.

What other options do I have?
Tim Uzzanti Replied
Employee Post
Sounds like there might be something improperly configured on the server.  A support ticket should be opened so that a support technician can fully evaluate.
Tim Uzzanti
Tim Uzzanti CEO SmarterTools Inc. www.smartertools.com
Emma Andrews Replied
Hello Tim

Unfortunately it's a free account so I'm not able to raise a support ticket. I was hoping there was a simple solution that I'd missed.


Steve Reid Replied
I think you would need to contact your provider and ask them what the settings should be. If you are in fact the administrator of your smartermail install then you may need to configure it appropriately.

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