Forgot password link missing?
Question asked by Joshua Parker - 12/22/2014 at 8:50 AM
We are going to be implementing a new password policy in the near future and I just noticed the forgot password link is missing from our web portal.  Is there a setting I am missing that causes this link to appear or not appear?

3 Replies

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Employee Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Under SystemAdmin -> Security -> Advanced Settings -> Password Requirements make sure that "Enable password retrieval" is enabled.  The link for forgot password should then be available.
Joshua Parker Replied
Perfect thanks for the quick response.
Employee Replied
Employee Post
One other note on this: Your users must have a backup email address configured in order to use the Forgot Password functionality. This can be added or modified at the user level by going to Settings -> My Settings -> Account Settings -> User tab.

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