Set Up Social Media Links for News Items and Knowledge Base Articles

Applies to SmarterTrack 10.x-12.x

Social networking sites in these versions are set by default. Therefore, the ability to add or delete social networks is limited. However, the sites listed and available should accommodate the vast majority of businesses and users as sites such as Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and others are available.

If administrators do not wish to have social sharing available for articles, the setting can be disabled under Portal Options by simply un-checking "Display social network links."

Applies to SmarterTrack 6.x - 9.x

SmarterTrack can be configured to automatically insert links to numerous social media sites within news items and knowledge base articles. Doing so allows customers to easily share portal content they find interesting or useful with their online networks and can aid SEO efforts.

Follow these steps to set up social media links in the portal:

  1. Log in to SmarterTrack management interface as the system administrator.
  2. Click the settings icon.
  3. Expand the System Settings and Portal folders in the navigation pane.
  4. Click Social Networking. A list of social media sites will load in the content pane.
  5. Check the social networking sites you would like links for.
  6. Click Save.

For more information, please refer to Social Networking page of the SmarterTrack Online Help.


Learn more about SmarterTrack’s helpdesk system, which includes live chat, a self service portal and knowledge base software.